Chapter 14: Better Than The Heart Shot

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We spend the rest of the day training at different stations, I find out I am actually decent at spear throwing, who knew?

On the second day we go about our training business until lunchtime. Katniss and I sit at the same table as yesterday, the one in the corner overlooking all the other tables. When the silence between us moves from comfortable silence to awkward silence, I decide to act 'friendly' for our image.

"It is interesting that they have to include the bread from all the districts in the bread basket, so all the tributes have a taster of home before they leave."

Katniss just stares at me with confusion written all over her face, so I decide to carry on to explain things:

"Let me show you..." I pour out all of the bread rolls from our basket and point to each one when I'm explaining them, the rye bread in the form of a brick, District 2 masonary. The granary loaf from district 9. The crescent shaped roll scattered with seeds from district 11. Once I have explained them all I scoop them back into the basket and say,

"And there you have all the rolls from all the districts. It is great to finally taste these, as we have pictures of them all in a book. But we weren't allowed to bake them since they are only allowed in the Capitol or the home district. I've been wondering what they taste like my whole life."

Katniss just smiles, I decide to ask her something to hold our image of being 'friendly',

"Now laugh as if I said something really funny. Then you say something after." I tell her.

We both give convincing laughs and we get death glares in return from all the other tributes.

After we finish laughing Katniss goes on to say something like I suggested:

"Did I ever tell you about the time I fought with a bear for the rights to a beehive?" She asks.

"No I don't believe you have. But it sounds...interesting." I reply.

"Well one day I was in the woods, hunting, and I saw a beehive a few metres ahead of me, it was the start of spring so the honey was delicious and sold well at that time. So I got there and was just about to get some honey. When a bear just jumped out from behind the tree. And started going "RAHHH" like bears do and we just fought until I shot him. We had a nice dinner that night. Bear fur sells well!"

I just smile trying to cover my lunch threatening to come back up from the last sentence.

After a dinner full of being constantly grilled by Haymitch and Effie, me and Katniss head to our rooms. I attempt to lighten the mood slightly by saying,

"Someone ought to get a drink in Haymitch, he has been too sober for too long." I chuckle slightly, but Katniss doesn't seem amused.

"Please Peeta let's not pretend to be friendly when no one is around." She says with a harsh tone.

"Alright Katniss. Goodnight." I say tiredly as I head to my own room.

Just as I thought she was beginning to like me. What is up with her and being friendly.

The next day we go around the training centre, learning wrestling and shelter. but the whole time I wonder about what to do for the private sessions with the Gamemakers.

When lunch is called me and Katniss go to our usual table and stay in silence this time. I am still mad about last night. One by one the tributes get called for their sessions starting with the district 1 male, Marvel and ending with district 12's female, Katniss.

Fifteen minutes after little Rue is called I hear:

"District 12, Peeta Mellark, please proceed to the training centre for you private session." I get off my chair and about to head to the exit when I hear Katniss speak for behind me.

"Remember what Haymitch said, lift some weights." She says, this surprises me, does she really think I forgot?

"Thanks. You er...shoot straight." I reply, still confused.

"Thanks, I will." She says with finality.

I walk in to find the them singing a drinking song:

"We drink the boos while tributes lose!"

"We set the mutts upon them!"

"One remains we celebrate!"

"And drink some more againnnnnn!"

This is gonna be great!

I walk over to the spear throwing area and grab the most impressive one I see. I set a dummy up 10 meters away and I throw it so it lands in the dummy's neck. I hear some words of approval with things like:

"A slower death, much better than the heart shot." or "Good long-distance thrower."

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