Chapter 9: Perfect Touch of Rebellion

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"Who's idea was the hand holding?" asks Haymitch.

"Cinna's" answers Portia.

"Ah, the perfect touch of rebellion!" He replies.

Rebellion? What is he talking about, I just hope for his sakes there are no cameras hidden around, with peacekeepers lurking behind them ready to arrest haymitch. I really can imagine it happening. They probably do have people constantly watching us. Just to make sure we are not plotting some kind of 'rebellion'.

They wish. No one has the guts to defy the Capitol. Next you'll be telling me that district thirteen is not actually destroyed and they are forming groups of rebels to fight the Capitol and kill President Snow! Yeah right.

"Very nice!" Haymitch continues, maybe he just means it shows the Capitol that some of the tributes can actually like and get along with each other. Yeah, that must be it.

"Tomorrow morning is your first training session. Meet me for breakfast and I'll tell you exactly how I want you to play it. Alright?" I thought we were just supposed to train? Now we need to have a game plan for it? This is so much more complicated then they ever show back home.

"Now go get some sleep whilst the adults talk." Haymitch gives us a quick goodbye, as does Cinna, Portia and Effie.

"Night Peeta. Katniss!" Ugh. Does Effie have to be so happy all the time!

Me and Katniss walk down to her room in silence. My curiosity starts eating me from the inside, I need to know what happened with this 'avox' girl, maybe it'll help Katniss. I'm not being nosey, I am helping the girl I love. That's all. God, I am not nosey at all compared to ma and Rye.

When we get to her door, I narrow her entry point, not so she cannot go in, just so she knows we need to talk. "Funny seeing Delly Cartwright's look-a-like here 'ey?" I ask. I can see she knows I am asking for an explanation for earlier, I did save her from potential disaster and that 'avox' girl. She just nods in understanding.

We both know I covered for her. I deserve an explanation, and she knows this.

There is a long silence, I never realized just how easy she is to read here.

She is obviously juggling whether to tell or not to tell me. But like I said before, she knows she owes me, and from past experience I know she does not like owing people. I decide to help her out.

"Have you been to the roof yet?" She shakes her head, "Cinna showed me. You can practically see the whole city from up there. Although, the wind is a little loud." Relief flushes her face, somewhere no one can hear us. Perfect!

"Can we just go up?" Katniss asks, "Sure, come on." I think about reaching my hand out to her, but decide against it. Who knows what she could do to it.

I lead her up the flight of stairs I went up earlier this day. Once we get to the top of the stairs, I open the door for her (like the gentleman I am!) and enter myself, alone at last. But no funny business, I'm not that type of guy!

The Capitol is shining even more then earlier, most likely because all of the lights are on this time, since the sun was going down at the time I went up earlier with Cinna and Portia. Katniss gasps at the view and smiles a little. I love her smile, she is as radiant as the sun. No, more radiant than the sun

This makes me erupt into a cat like grin, but I quickly turn it into a small smile before she can notice.

Katniss and I walk to the roof's railing and get a closer look at the streets below us. I see dots of different colours moving around on the pavements, I'm confused for a moment. I then remember the fact that the Capitol citizens dye themselves that color. They call it 'attractive' to be honest I find it dead ugly. They are also disgusting, they watch children kill each other. Get my point?

Point proven.

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