Chapter 7

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We were all sat in a circle playing a drinking game with a pack of cards.

"Harry just pick a card!" Harry's girlfriend said to him.

Harry glared at her.

"Sam's right Harry, you should Hurry up" I said, backing her up. She gave me a small smile.

I wasn't sure if Harry had told her about me, but if he had she was being calm and sensible around me.

Harry picked up a card.

"It's a truth" he said. "That means I can ask anyone a question and they have to be truthful about it" he smirked.

"Olivia" Harry spoke.


"How good was I in bed?"

My mouth dropped open and so did everyone else's. I felt sorry for Samantha, she didn't deserve to hear that.

"Harry that's disgusting" I spat.

Samantha looked at Harry in shock.

"You slept with her?" She said to him, sounding hurt.

"Not whilst I was with you, long before that" he said not even looking at her. He took another drink.

"So, you two were together?"

"Oh, just drop it will you?" He said to her harshly.

She hung her head down and her brown hair covered her face.

"Harry, you don't speak to your girlfriends like that, you dick" I said to Harry angrily.

"Olivia.." Daisy warned.

"No Daise, he should know better!"

"Olivia, just fuck off" Harry said coldly.


I stood up and grabbed my jacket off the sofa. Everyone watched me as I headed for the door, I gave one last glance to everyone before I opened it but Harry was heading towards me. I quickly opened it and headed out, I tried to shut the door but Harry yanked it open and closed it behind him after he had joined me outside.

"Where are you going?"

"You told me to fuck off, remember?" I said raising my eyebrows at him.

"I didn't mean it" he mumbled.

"Did you not mean to speak to your GIRLFRIEND like that either?" I asked him.

"Just drop it Olivia. You know the last thing I want you to do is go off again"

"Harry, is the word education mean nothing to you?"

"Still could of went somewhere closer, so I didn't have to wake up everyday without you cuddling into me or having to do my own shopping"

I stayed silent.

"I even missed you shouting at me when I was in the wrong" he whispered as he stepped closer to me.

"I missed the way your eyes glistened when you smiled, I missed the way you laugh, I missed the way you held on to me when you were scared"

He took hold of my hand and locked his emeralds on mine.

"I just miss you" he whispered softly into my ear.

My heart started pounding and goosebumps rose upon my arms. Harry leaned in closer to me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I closed my eyes and remembered how soft his lips were on mine, how he made my heart race more than anyone else could.

"Harry you're just drunk" I said pushing him away.

He stepped closer to me again.

"Please don't Harry, please"

He smirked. "It's because you know everything will come rushing back don't you"

"No" I said looking away.

"Don't lie to me Olivia. I know you better than anyone else"

"I think my boyfriend knows me pretty well too"

Harry's face filled with annoyance.

"He can't give you what I could" he spat.

"How would you know Harry? How?! All you did was cause arguments whilst we were together!" I shouted back at him.

I turned away from him and hurried down the hallway before he could say anything else. I heard a door slam, I looked back and saw he was gone.


"Mum, I don't know what to do" I sobbed into her chest.

"You wanted to see him though didn't you?"

I looked up at my mum, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I thought he would be supportive about Tom and me, but he just wants to ruin everything!"

"What do you expect? You were the only person he'd ever loved Olivia"

"And he was my first love! But I've got over him!" I exclaimed.

"Then why are you sat here crying over him?"


"I can't believe the way he acted, it was out of order!" Daisy said to me over the phone.

"What did he do when he came back in?" I asked.

"He didn't really say much, we asked him what he spoke about with you and he told us it didn't matter. I think Sam thought something had went on"

"Oh god, I don't want her to think that! Nothing did go on, he just told me he missed me"

"Shit Olivia, what are you going to do?" Daisy asked.

I sat down on my bed.

"I really don't know! I feel sorry for Sam, I really do" I sighed.

"He's been really distant with her, I don't even know why he's going with her, he's had at least four different girlfriends since you've left!"

"What? He didn't tell me that?" I said surprised.

"He didn't? I personally think its him trying to get over you because you were such a big part of his life"

"He was a big part of mine but I've moved on" I said.

"Yeah" she sighed.

"Well, I'll leave you to do whatever you're doing, thanks Daisy. Bye"

"Bye Liv"

SEQUEL TO RUN; It was you (A Harry Styles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now