Don't take her

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August POV

I woke up the next day, I woke up smiling..I guess cause I killed them niggas HA! Them fools was on LA titles front page! I went and got ready to go to the hos to see Layla

"Hi I'm here to see Layla Anderson"

"Your name?"

"August Alsina"

"Ok sir, room 268"


I went down to the room and seen Layla & I smiled

"Hey Aug" Layla smiles back

"Wassup shawty" I kiss her head

"What you doing here?"

"To see you silly"

"Ha..You don't have to"

"But i do"

"I know it hurts you to see me like this"


"A tear fell down your face"

I touch my face and felt water & wiped it away

"Thank you August"

"For what"

"For everything"

"But I hurt you so many times Lay.."

"Its ok August, Who wants a boring relationship" She says trying to laugh

"I'm sorry, for everything ma, you mean so much"

Layla tries to breathe

"I love you" We both says

"I love you too..Now go..Get sone rest"

"I love you too" I get up and kiss her head and leave

I leave out the room & head to see Keke & tell her how Layla is she don't wanna see her like this

Keke POV

I dont wanna see Layla if she's miserable, I want her happy again, We talk most times on the phone but she sounds so weak, I prayed but interrupted my a knock

"Who is it?"


I run and open the door


"Wassup" August says coming in

"How is she?"

"She..Uh aint that good"

"I'm scared"

"Me too, but we should pray for the best" August says hugging me

"I was but your knock messed me up"

"My bad" August says chuckling

"Would you pray with me?"

"Ummmm...I..." August says looking weird



"Please August, You know I pray everyday..So do this..For me"


We put our head down, I pray all the time, I tryed not to cry, but tears are pouring down my face, I only have Messiah, & Keith in my life, Me & Layla were the only two, my pops died & Mama left us..So its tough

August POV

We put our head down, And I hear Keke voice cracking

"Dear lord, Please save my sister she didn't deserve this. She is a really good person and deserves the best. I want my son to grow up with a aunt so please. I know I ask for a lot but..Give me this one"

"Amen" We both say & Messiah starts crying & Keke goes upstairs to get him & I leave

"God" I say standing by the door "Give her this one"

Can't Raise A Man {August Alsina story}Where stories live. Discover now