I'm back bitches

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-2 years later

Layla POV

I'm still in NYC and still with Jason and his birthday is coming up, I was busy and told him I couldn't make it to NOLA for his day but Keke did some magic and just landed in a place I call home

"Jigga!" Keke says running to me

"Ew don't call me that"

"Since you were the three you were stuck with it"

"I'm not three anymore!"

"More like ten!"

Me and Keke drove to get some food and catch up on things, and me being me i forgot August existed

"So wassup with you and Jason?"

"We been doing great, but i think us being apart got us on the wrong path but being here will put on the track we need"

"What you gonna do when you see August?"

"Easy, smile-wave and leave"

"Haha! girl you know you gonna start a conversation with him"

"Watch me not!"


I look over my shoulder to see Tyga

"My nigga!"


"Hey this is my sister Keke"


"Woo!! so there's two!"


"You never told me"

"Well Michael knowing you..Well I kept it to myself"

"Ha you coming to my party tonight?" Tyga says poking me over and over

"I didn't know you were having one"

"Yeah well since now you know you coming!"

"But I'm busy"

"Well i cleared yo calender"

"Michael lets go!" Chris yells "Hol up! Layla! Guuhhhh!!!!"

"Ha hey Chris!"

"Its a reunion!"

"Yo! Keke can we borrow her?"

"For what?" She says looking curious

"Taking her with us help plan this party!"

"Please Keke!!"

"Fine but hurry we still gotta go by mama house"

We all run out of McDonalds and drive out of there like a bat out of hell, I'm was happy to see my niggas again! NOLA never left me heart it took us 23 minutes to get to a house

"Where we at?"

"August house" Chris says getting out

My heart fell, what the hell.

Pretty "eh" right? I know.

Can't Raise A Man {August Alsina story}Where stories live. Discover now