Don't be gone to long

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Five months later

August POV

Its been five months since Layla left, I called her more then 21 times and she never picks up, I miss her a lot and I messed up bad & I was hoping she wasn't gonna leave me for so long, so I went to Michael's place

"Aye fool" I say coming in

"My nigga!" Tyga says getting up "You seen Layla?"

"Naw man I been worried to"

"She's probably clearing her mind from yo ugly, light skinned child-ish ass"

"She's been telling me to grow up, but I'm grown! I'm in charge of me and only me"

"But fool that's yo women!..At least was"

"You tryin to be funny about it"

"Lets hit up the club and clear your head"

"She stay on my mind 24/7 bruh! It ain't gonna work"

"Well lets go to McDonalds that kids happy meal calling my name!"

"And yall say I act child-ish?"

"With the cute little bottle of milk on the side"

Layla POV

Imma be honest, i miss August like hell but he needs to realize I'm looking for a man not a boy

"Girl leave that boy alone" Ally says

"I did, Tomorrow it'll be 6 months since I last talked to him but I don't think I can let him go"

"Bookie please if its anyone begging its gonna be him getting you back"

"Yeah I guess you right"

"Excuse me but you are very pretty" A MAN says smiling

"Haha thank you, your not bad yourself" I say blushing

"I'm Jason"

"I'm Layla"

"Can I get your number if you wanna go out sometime?"

"Sure" I write my name & number on his hand & he does the same

"Cool see you around" He says smiling while walking away

"Ooh he's cute!"

"Child I wouldn't say it so fast"

"He seems like a true dude Ally"

"That's what August said"

Now she tryna be funny -.-


"I'm just tryna look out for you boo"

Can't Raise A Man {August Alsina story}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz