A rollercoaster

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August POV

Its been awhile since I seen Layla and if you wanna know how Camilla she doing pissy fine CAUSE I SEE DA BITCH EVERYDAY ! WHICH IS FUCKED THE FUCKED UP! -_- Tyga & Chris making it no better

"What's that gotta do with yo ole rugged ass!" Tyga says to Chris

"I'm here ain't I!"

"Dude..I can smell yo breath..Nigga dats foul go brush" Tyga covers my nose

"Fuck you!"

"Homie stop talking its going through my finger crack!"



"YALL!" I yell

"Oh..Pretty boy wanna talk" Tyga says looking up

"Yall suppose to help me with Camilla"

"Its yo baby! Yall got the same nappy ass hair" Tyga says

"Get a test" Chris says

"Oh! Geeh Chris! Your tryna be the pretty smart looking m'f today!" Tyga makes making a dumb face

"Shut up! smarter then yo ass'"

"Chris..My non existing children are smarter then you at this moment"

"Imma get back to you! But Aug get a test if it comes out positive you gotta be there for that baby and if it ain't..Then you do you" Chris says

I shook my head and went outside to check my mail and saw a big ass envelope and opened..And my ass is being sued for child support

Layla POV

I been with Jason to celebrate his birthday and considering me and August got into it..I had a great week but its time for me to go back to NYC

"Imma miss you" Jason says kissing me

"Miss you already Jas" I hug him and Keke

"Remember to call me Lay" Keke says smiling

"I will don't worry miss thang!" I get my bags and get ready to board the plane

When I got on I put away my bags and sat down and put my earphones in and layed back

"Uh hello?"

"Jesus" I say in a low voice folks always wanna bother a bitch when they tryna jam

"Can I sit here?"

-_- Did he really ask? Does it look like I run a plane?

"Coo' with me"

"Hi I'm Kirk but most call me Kirko"

He looks like a off-brand August to me but pretty fine a'f

"What yo name is?"


"That's pretty you are too"


"So where you heading off to?"

"You tryna follow me?"

"Haha naw I'm just tryna make converstaions"

Smile sexy to

"Well I'm going to New York"

"OH! Your THE Layla!"

"Haha yeah"

"Nice to finally meet you then"

He making me feel some type of way but I remember what I got at home

Can't Raise A Man {August Alsina story}Where stories live. Discover now