I Saw it on The News, Then I Watched the Big Bang Theory

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Sorry for the late update, I've had a lot going on in my life, but I'll try and sort out the next chapter quicker.


Marcus’ POV

I opened the microwave half a second after it pinged, having spent the last 30 seconds shifting from foot to foot by the microwave watching the seconds slip by with stomach aching slowness. I then stuffed the slightly too hot pop tart into my mouth, the sweet filling exploding and sticking to the roof of my mouth, burning it a bit, but I didn’t care, I was just that hungry.

Mostly it was my fault, mum was at work and I’d forgotten to eat lunch. I do it every time mum has to go in on a Saturday, I just never seem to learn, my teachers would probably agree with me there.

I took the second pop tart and settled on the couch in front of the TV, and flipped on the news, to see what had happened while I was busy wasting my time on youtube and mine craft. What? I’m a self admitted couch potato with no life, and loving every minute of it, so there.

“- disturbingly no trace has been left behind of any of the pupils in this school” said the news castor, already half way through a story, that I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about. I glanced down at the text thingy that says what the main stories were.

It said that a whole school in Britain had just vanished. Not like the building or anything, but all the pupils and teachers. Weird.

Then I flicked over and started to watch a re-run of the big bang theory. It doesn't effect me, besides you gotta love Sheldon.

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