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My name is Kimura Shiroko. I a-or was a 16 year old teenaged otaku girl who lived for anime, manga and otome games.

Anyone at my sch-old school would tell me how lucky I was. I had it all. The looks,the brains and I was also good at sports.

But in reality, we're all just a small part of this world, almost nothing. The people who called themselves my friends, they wouldn't bat a perfect little eyelash of theirs if I went missing. Which I did. I mean I died, seriously, have some respect!

Anyways, welcome to my story I guess, feel free to turn back or continue on.

(Galactic Author-san: Stop breaking the forth wall!)

Shush! Lets continue~

~ HEYYYY GUYZZZ! Galactic is back and with a new story! I got inspired to write it and I hope you enjoy!!! Now, ONWARDS! (p.s. I know if you read what I've said lately I should have posted chap 1 once you read this but sorreh! XD I'll post it soon/later instead.)

~Galactic 🌌

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