Chapter Eleven - Rush

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I've been in Erik's home quite some time. I still don't know if it is day or not, I just assume with the time passed that it is likely early morning. The man has a bad habit of not hosting clocks and I managed to leave my watch at home today. He has come and gone a few times since I woke up and claims he took Raoul... er, Brayden to the surface. But I must assume this seeing as I don't feel I can entirely trust him.

"The Phantom of the Opera will kill and kill again..." my mind sang to my conscience. "Oh shut up will you?" I mumbled aloud to myself.

"I've not yet said anything." a deep voice responded. My finger slipped from the small jeweled box I'd been examining as I realized I was not alone. I turned my head quickly half facing him. With his face being covered I couldn't tell what his expression held. His eyes however seemed to whisper hurt.

"Oh, not you. Sorry, I was talking to myself." I could feel my face turn a shade darker but it didn't really bother me. "I actually didn't hear you come in to be honest. How long have you been standing there?" I turned my attention back to the little box while I awaited his response.

"Not too long. I must ask, why wish yourself into silence when you've said nothing?" I could hear the innocence flood in his voice. It was a bit eerie seeing as the whole reason we were having this conversation was because I'd been considering the possibility of him having killed my frienemy.

"Sometimes I talk to myself in my head. And sometimes I talk to myself out loud. It sorta depends on my mood and how bad the thoughts in my head get. So, you just happened to catch me talking back to myself. I like to believe I'm not crazy but to be honest I'm not entirely sure."

"You, crazy? I highly doubt that madame."

After a moment of consideration I turned around to face him fully. "And how would you know that monsieur?"

"I know you Christine. I of all people know you're not crazy."

'I already know you're crazy. Nothing will change that. I promise...'  Ethan... My mind whispered betraying me. My eyebrows furrowed in response to my own thoughts. This 'Erik' doesn't actually know me. Ethan knows me. Brayden doesn't even know me. They all think I'm so normal. It's the ones who know and embrace my crazy who actually know and love me.

"Are you conversing with yourself again?"

I shook my head slightly clearing it. "Yes, my apologies." I remarked as a small cough escaped my lips. It seemed my body was intent upon betraying me this hour. A small gasp caught my attention at it echoed through the room. Within that same moment I was turned facing the man with the mask with each of his hands on both of my shoulders. He stared deep into my eyes, his full of worry.

"Christine you're not well! Erik should not have allowed you out of bed. Surely this is Erik's fault! Come Christine you must come back with me..." through his desperate mumbles and third person references I shuffled behind him, my bare hand in his gloved grasp. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes as he dragged me right back to the couch. They certainly hadn't been exaggerating when they made his character out to be a self blaming babier. And yet they also were likely not exaggerating when they made him out to be a self loathing killer. Oh shut up brain!!! My eyes grew wide as I had no choice but to listen to my thoughts.

Once we exited the stone hall and entered the stone living room Erik all but shoved me onto the couch. "Lay, rest" he commanded.

"Sit, speak, ooh play dead!" I quipped. However, the glare I received in return was enough to silence me till next week. I reluctantly did as he asked crawling back under the covers and facing the back of the couch. I was afraid to let him see me roll my eyes.

I heard a slight creak from across the room and the sound of weight shifting and cloth rubbing against wood.

The soft red fabric which coated the couch was pulled tight across it. I ran my fingers over its silky surface tracing the diamond patterns the stitches created. I gently closed my eyes trying to pretend I was asleep. I wondered if maybe he thought I was sleeping if he would leave. I tried to even out my breath and keep still. I focused solely on my being and on the air around me.

Several minutes passed and I till hadn't heard anything from the other side of the room, which lead me to believe he was still sitting watch. I groaned slightly and rolled over to my other side facing him. As I'd suspected he was still sitting there. Still watching me. I must admit, him watching me as I 'sleep' is a mix of very cute and very creepy. "Why do I have to lay here?" I mumbled to him. He didn't say anything, in fact he didn't seem to acknowledge my words at all. The shadow of the room hid his eyes from me and there was no movement in his mask. Why doesn't he answer? I considered my own question for a few minutes. Perhaps he is asleep? No he never sleeps, especially not while Christine is around. "Eri--"

"Silence." he commanded cutting me off, his voice kept at a low whisper. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at his shadowed form. A few moments silence, per his request, engulfed us. With a flash of darkness in front of my eyes I was suddenly face to face with him. He took hold of the back of my head and brought his mouth to my ear before he whispered so quietly that if I'd not known to listen for it I would have missed it. "We are not alone Christine..."

My heart rate sped up until I was sure it was echoing through the haunted catacombs. In a flash I was in Erik's arms. I tried to get down but his grip tightened. "Erik put me down!" I whispered louder than I meant to.

He brought his mouth to my ear again, "Hush, you're louder than a yippy dog."

"Well I'm sorry, now put me down!"

"No! You're too loud. This intruder will have nothing to do with you. Believe me. You are in danger in this moment. I'm trying to protect you. I'm going to return you to your dressing room. You are permitted to go home. I'll check on you later, now please silence yourself."

"Erik I'm too fat for you to carry! I'll hurt your back or something! Please let me walk..."

"We shall address this matter later. For the time being you shall silence yourself as I have commanded unless you wish to see yourself dead within the hour." he whispered harshly. Throughout the entire conversation he had not missed a step and continued on through the passages moving silently. I'll admit, I'd be incapable of moving so quietly at this point but I still feel I'm too heavy for him.

As we reached the end of the chamber I saw a large black cloth which hung from the ceiling. It appeared to be made of thick velvet. Erik set me down on my own two feet continuing to hold my waist with his left hand. My right arm rested across his shoulders and I tried desperately not to make any noise. He reached up his long arm and pulled back the curtain. A large sheet of glass was revealed and through it lay my dressing room. I felt the blood drain from my face just a bit. Knowing Erik was perfectly capable of watching me at any time was unsettling. He put his gloved hand on the glass face and pushed hard to the right. The glass slid easily and silently. He reached down and picked me up once more, I rolled my eyes but allowed him to carry me without my protest for the time being.

He glided over to the brown tired couch, laying me down on it. With one last glance at me he turned and was gone without another word. I wanted desperately to follow him and learn of his intruder, but I decided that was against my better judgement. It was tempting though. I instead did the opposite and grabbed my things and headed straight home. He said he would check on me and that was good enough for me. I'll let him deal with his own life and maybe I can deal with mine on my own for a while.

With that last thought, I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the dressing room, closing the door tightly behind me. The Music of the Night began playing on my phone and I smiled to myself as I put my earbuds in and left the opera house.

<3 Christine-1990

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