Chapter Ten - Under the Opera House

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A deep drawn out groan brought me back to consciousness. I tried to open my drowsy eyes, but the dim flickering light in the room didn't allow me. I heard no other noise. An ominous silence filled the stale air instead. My body was stiff but not uncomfortable. My heavy head was comfortably supported along with the rest of my limp body.

I attempted to move but was incapable. I tried again to open my eyes, this time met with painful success. I could make out a stone ceiling and a few blurred colors. The flickering that consumed the room was my main focus, however. I attempted to breathe in deeply but instead my throat rattled, and I was sent into a harsh coughing fit. My abs flexed and my throat squeezed tight. My body had no choice but to react. I immediately twisted my torso and reached for my throat. My eyes watered and I nearly began to cry. I was quite convinced that I would cough up whatever was in my stomach.

Soon, to my dismay and comfort, I was accompanied by a dark blurry form. The figure placed one hand on my back and the other on my shoulder. A rather large glass came into my hazy vision and I reached desperately for it. With no other thought in my head I managed to get half the water down my esophagus. The rasping decreased and my body began allowing oxygen to enter my dimming mind.
I fell onto my back and continued to breath deeply. I kept my tired eyes closed until my chest began to rise and fall evenly again. I heard slight shuffles echo throughout the room. A deep sigh sounded near me causing my heart to thump a little faster.

I rolled my head over to rest on my side. I opened my eyes again forcing my mind to ignore the dim blinding light. The dark figure returned to my side within the second I'd moved. Even though I could hardly make anything out I could clearly see the golden eyes staring into mine.

"Erik...." I coughed out. My voice was hardly anything melodic. I whispered curses in my head, imagining how awful practice would be the next few days. "Erik, where am I?..."
"Christine..... you..... trap...."

I could only hear sounds come from him. My weak mind couldn't put together his words or his meanings. Anything further than a foot away from me was blurred and unfocused. I could vaguely make out his seemingly distressed form. Soon enough, my extremely drugged being couldn't keep up with the conscious world anymore, and I succumbed to the darkness. I could only make out the weight of my hand leaving my stomach as I willingly returned to the darkness.


Awakening for the second time was even harder than the first. The dim and still flickering light shot through my being. The room seemed silent, but I knew I wasn't alone.

"Erik?..." my voice sounded just as bad as it had before but this time didn't hurt nearly as bad.

"Christine! Are you better? Erik is so sorry, he can't help like he should be able to! Are you cold? Oh Christine...."

"Um, I think I'm okay. Thank you Erik, and you're doing fine." he watched me like an expectant dog and was hanging on my every word. He looked so worried and hurt... "Um, I am a little chilly..." before I could even finish my sentence, he was gone. I lay there a little confused only to be slightly surprised when he returned seconds later with a huge blanket. Before I could react, I was covered in the huge fluff.

"Does this please you?" he asked once I was completely covered.

"Yes, it does. Er.. thank you. Erik, where am I?"

"Christine is in Erik's home. Erik had to bring her here after the incompetent fop tried to hurt her." Incompetent Fop? My mind echoed.

"Erik...who tried to hurt me?" His eyes glossed over and he hung his head slightly. He looked like a dog who did his master wrong. He slowly raised his gloved hand and pointed across the room.

"Oh sweet mother of Dumbledore...." what lie before me certainly wasn't anything I ever expected to see. "Erik... what have you done to him?" I asked cautiously as I gazed at the limp and bound form of Brayden, my co-star.
"Oh Christine! Erik was protecting you! Please don't be mad with him! He didn't know what to do! Erik wished to off the fop but knew it would hurt his Christine and--"

"Erik!" I yelled cutting him off. "What did you do to him?" he looked a little hurt and I realized that it was unwise to yell at the Phantom of the Opera. I however didn't care, seeing as my "friend" was tied up and unconscious in the corner. I prayed that he was just unconscious.

"Erik did what the f-fop did to hurt his Christine....he will be fine. Erik promises."

"I believe you." I said after a few moments of silence. "But Erik, what did you do?"

"I used the sleeping powder. The boy put it all over the stage so that when you performed you would fall into sleep. Erik realized it too late. I did the same thing to the boy and brought you both here until you were well again. Your voice is not ready to sing and you are not ready to walk, I can see this. All I ask is that you stay with me until you are well. I will care for you. The boy will remember nothing and I shall return him to his wretched home within the hour at your request."

I took a few minutes to process everything he had just told me. I'd only been with Erik once before and that was for a few brief seconds. He's acting like the wounded mentally disturbed version of himself. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. Honestly, I'd like to get to know him better, because I'm not entirely sure that I believe he is who he thinks he is. There's just no way that he is the real Erik. I do know, however, that I'd much rather not be near Brayden.

"Yes." I say finally. He looks directly into my eyes. His golden irises pierce my grey ones. I still can't see anything other than his eyes and part of his exposes chin. "I'll stay with you until I wish to leave. If you will return him safely, to his dwelling, I would be very pleased."

He stood gracefully and went straight to where Brayden sat. He picked up my former friend and headed to the wall. With a swift movement, the wall slid open and stone stairs were revealed. He began to ascend them, his cloak billowing about him.

"Erik!" I call out quickly before he leaves. "Thank you."

He turns to look at me before simply nodding his head and leaving as silent as a shadow.

Hope you enjoyed!

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