Chapter Eight - Stalker Angel

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Hello!! I'm posting yet again!

A few quick things I would like to mention before I start,

Please go read my other book, "The Timing of the Loss of a Love" it will be necessary for you to read it if you are interested in the series. There are more books coming eventually and I'm super excited to write them!!!

I do not own POTO.

Also if you read this I'll warn you that there are spoilers for Phantom and LND by the end of this book and I do not want to spoil such lovely works, so go listen to or watch them!!

But my dear readers I have talked for far too long. Enjoy!!!!


I woke, once again, to my alarm clock going off. I tore out of bed, across the room, and sat promptly on the floor. My long hair cascading over me, probably a mess. My eyes floated across the room not truly focusing on anything.

They finally rested on a spot on my nightstand. A blackened dead rose rested there. Still untouched from several days ago. It was a simple sight. A rose, dead, on a nightstand. Most might think from a lover, but not in my case. "Erik" didn't know who I really was. Liar. My mind told me. Not a liar. I told myself. I'm an actress. I didn't choose this for myself! Well, not entirely... It wasn't my choice to have some guy living in my mirror claiming my success and watching my every move. Wow...I just summed up Phantom of the Opera, I guess.

I laughed at myself, then I realized I was talking to myself. Then I laughed at the fact that I was talking to myself.

Eventually I convinced myself to get off the floor so that I would be productive. I didn't feel like practicing my voice warm ups that today since I'd been starting to get a mild cold. So instead I went into the small kitchen of my apartment and had my Keurig start my french vanilla cappuccino.

While the water was heating I started my bowl of cereal and sat down at the small table. There was a small bay window right next to my table which I contented myself with staring out of.

It was a dark, overcast day. I figured it would probably rain at some point. I watched the clouds swirl into each other like watching waves from under the water.

I finished my cereal and went to grab my coffee. I was still basically asleep and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and grabbed the mug instead of the handle.

"Ow!!" I yelled dropping it on the counter. I ran to the sink and let ice cold water run over my fingers. Once the burning sensation died down I took on the task of cleaning up my mess. But only a few drops of coffee were on the counter. The cup had landed upright. Thank goodness, I thought being sure to grab the handle this time.

I went into my room and set the coffee on my night stand. But there was something different. I looked for a moment and realized there was a slip of paper, which I'd not had anything to do with. I looked quickly around the room to be sure there was nobody there before picking it up. I unfolded it quietly, so as not to alert its deliverer. In beautiful handwriting it read:

Christine, skipping your voice warm ups will help nothing. Your cold will only weaken your voice. Therefore you must work on it.

I looked around for any sign of my "angelic" intruder. My eyes finally rested on the balcony door which had been left cracked open. I always keep that door locked...

I crossed the room quickly but quietly, finally resting my hand on the glass doorknob. I waited for a moment peering through the sheer curtains. I saw no movement and nothing out of the ordinary, but I was not going to rely on a blurred image of my balcony to tell me there was nobody there. With a sharp yank on the handle, I flung the doors open to reveal nothing.

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