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I like to walk on my own. Not because I don't want you to feel needed.

Because I want to walk next to you, and I want you to hold my hand for a different reason than helping me keep my balance.


She stared at him blankly for a moment, clicking her tongue as she fumbled in her mind for the word. "Yoongi." She smiled. "Yoongi," she said again, just because she could.

Yoongi nodded, smiling back patiently. "Yes, (Y/n)?"

"I..." She stopped to think again, her hand shaking as she touched her cheek, trying to catch the runaway thought. "I wanted to..."

Yoongi scanned her room and noticed a pink dress lying on the floor. "You wanted to wear this?" he asked, holding it up in front of himself so it looked as though he were considering trying it on.

"Yes, that's what it was," (Y/n) said, brightening. "I wanted to wear that." She tilted her head and paused. "I couldn't sleep because it was on my mind last night. Then I..." She purses her lips. "What did I do...I..."

"You got up and looked through your closet," Yoongi guessed. It wasn't the first time (Y/n) had had trouble sleeping because some random desire was stuck in her mind. Then she would set out to do whatever it was and usually end up failing halfway and returning to bed.

"Yes!" She smiled at him. "Thank you, Yoongi. Yes, I got up to find it and I tried to hang it up on the door but I dropped it and it hurts too much to bend over and pick it up."

He nodded. "That's all right. Do you want to wear it right now?"

She nodded.

Yoongi stood at the ready as (Y/n) slowly maneuvered her legs around from the middle of the bed to the side of the bed. Then she pushed forward equally slowly, waiting until the soles of her feet kissed the wood floor before she eased her weight off the mattress, keeping on hand on the bed for support.

Yoongi just watched. He didn't want to stop her from being independent. He didn't know how much longer she could walk on her own.

She made it around the bed and stood in front of Yoongi, waiting.

He grabbed the pink dress and set it on the bed. "Ready?" he asked. He didn't really have to; he knew she was ready. But he hated violating her privacy. Not that he had a choice.

She nodded, letting go of the bed and holding her arms up. They shook with the effort.

Yoongi worked quickly. He gently pulled (Y/n)'s nightgown over her head. She was naked underneath save a pair of underwear.

Yoongi kept on handle on (Y/n)'s rib cage so she didn't fall over while he grabbed the dress with the other hand. Then he let go of (Y/n) and draped the dress over her head, pulling the material down so her head popped through the hole. She stood still while he lightly guided her arms through their respective holes.

Change finished, she smiled at him. "Thanks..." She scrunched her nose, hunting once again for the word. Her face smoothed out as she found it. "Yoongi. Thank you."

He nodded. "I'm going to go get your eggs ready. Do you want me to help you down the stairs or...?"

(Y/n) shook her head. "I want to do it myself!"

"Okay. But make sure you hold onto the railing." He frowned. "I don't want a repeat of last time."

She nodded. "Okay, Yoongi."

"Promise me you'll be careful."

She nodded.

Yoongi sighed. That was as close as he was going o get this morning.

He walked out of her room before hurrying down the steps and into the kitchen, grabbing two eggs from the fridge, cracking them, whisking the yolks, and pouring the mixture into the frying pan. He moved towards the stairs, listening closely for (Y/n)'s footsteps. He turned the stove on simmer and counted every step (Y/n) took until she had arrived safely on the main floor.

Yoongi turned the stove on higher and finished her eggs, scooping them onto a ceramic plate. He put them on a tray with a plastic fork and a napkin and brought the whole tray to the living room.

(Y/n) was pushing buttons on the remote, pressing hard and slow, and frowning at the black screen.

"Let me help you," Yoongi said. "May I?"

(Y/n) released the remote to him and he turned on the television.

"Put on that one show," she said, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. "What's the one, with the people and they guess something..."

"The Game Show Network," Yoongi said, already typing in the channel number, and the show popped.

"Yes, this one," she said.

Yoongi set the remote down and picked up the tray, already picking up the fork.

"I want to do it myself today," (Y/n) said.


She nodded. Yoongi handed over the plate and fork to her, setting them down on her lap. She picked up the fork fine but struggled with the plate, her arms shaking like he'd handed her a fifty-pound weight. She pushed the fork toward the plate, but then she dropped the plate altogether. It fell on the ground, shattering.

"Oh no," she said, frowning, and her eyes watered.

"It's fine," Yoongi said. "You're not hurt are you?"

She shook her head.

"Good. Just stay out while I clean it up, okay? I'll make you a new breakfast."

"I'm not hungry anymore," she said quietly. She stared down at her dress and frowned.

Yoongi cleaned up the shards of plate, cutting his finger once. He quickly put the napkin over it so (Y/n) wouldn't see it and get more distressed. Then he threw away all the pieces, slapped on a bandaid and went back to (Y/n).

She had managed to turn the television off and was sitting there. "I want to go up," she said, all her previous excitement gone.

"You sure you don't want breakfast?" Yoongi tried. (Y/n) needed to eat. She was getting thinner every day.

"I want to rest," she said.

"Do you want to go up by yourself or...?"

"Help me," she said softly, looking down.

Yoongi sighed before complying, helping her up to her room.

"I don't want to wear this silly dress anymore," she said.

Yoongi repeated the process from earlier, changing her back into her nightgown, and she got back into her bed.

"Can you get rid of that dress? I don't like it anymore," (Y/n) said, her eyes still watery.

Yoongi nodded as she closed her eyes. Then he put it back on the hanger and hung it back up in her closet.

Forgetting • Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now