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They say we build walls to see who loves us enough to knock them down.

I think that's true, but don't you get tired of destroying what I put up?


Yoongi sighed as he walked up the steps. For the past few months, he'd been staying overnight, sleeping on the couch, and although he was a pro at sleeping, he craved a nice bed.

He opened the door to (Y/n)'s room and walked over to the side of her bed. She was already awake, shaking slightly, but not due to the temperature of the room.

"All right, let's get breakfast," Yoongi said, carefully picking (Y/n) up in his arms. He wasn't really strong but he didn't have to be. (Y/n) was about as heavy as a bag of flour, no more.

She stared at some distant point on the wall as Yoongi carried her down the stairs and into the living room, carefully propping her up on the couch with a few pillows behind her. He then tucked a blanket around her so she would stay warm.

(Y/n)'s eyes wandered over to him and she frowned like she was trying to name a song after only hearing the first two measures.

Yoongi knew that he was supposed to be patient and introduce himself yet again, but he just couldn't today. Instead, he turned and walked into the kitchen, sliding the scrambled eggs onto a small plastic plate - ceramic or porcelain plates were too heavy for (Y/n) to hold and she might break them - before grabbing a plastic fork, napkin, and a sippy cup of lukewarm water, putting it all on a tray and bringing it back to (Y/n).

He sat next to her, keeping the tray on his lap, and picked up the plate and fork.

(Y/n) reached for the fork, but her hand shook so badly that she knocked it out of his hands. He sighed before setting the tray down and grabbing a new plastic fork, dropping the other one in the sink to wash later.

Then he went back and picked up the plate and fork and carefully fed (Y/n), trying to get all of the eggs in her mouth, but it was hard when she didn't feel motivated to chew.

"Take a drink," he said, holding up the sippy cup to her lips, and she swallowed twice.

She only managed to finish half the plate of eggs before leaning back and closing her mouth definitively.

Yoongi sighed unhappily before carrying the unfinished breakfast back to the kitchen. Then he hurried back to turn on he television for (Y/n), navigating to her favorite channel (GSN, the game show network) and turning the volume up.

Then he went back to the kitchen, scraped the excess eggs in they garbage, and went about washing everything.

Twenty minutes later, he went back to check on (Y/n) only to find her asleep. He turned the volume of the television down and startled when she opened her eyes.

"Yoo..." she started, trailing off.

Yoongi froze. Does she remember me today? His heart heart.


He swallowed.


His heart broke.

He looked down for a second, his eyes watering even though he shouldn't have expected anything, but when he looked back up, it was with a smile. "Good job, (Y/n)."

She smiled, and it was beautiful, and it almost justified his pain.

He'd be Youngjae if he had to.

He'd be whoever (Y/n) told him to be. Whatever it took to make her happy, to make her think she was still alive.

But it hurt, damn it, it hurt.

2 ways to read this story...

Beginning > end: an inescapable tragedy as time moves forward

End > beginning: a story of regrowth as time moves backwards

Forgetting • Min Yoongi x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum