Chapter 19: Those Blue Eyes.

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3th Person pov:

Diaper changing, feeding, screaming, crying, headache and exhaustion is just a few mentioned hardships of Katniss' everyday life now. Having to care for a baby isn't the easiest, she admits that. To be truthful, some days she just wants to cry her heart out or hide for the world. Maybe even leave everything behind. But looking into those blue eyes of her daughter, she couldn't dare to even raise her voice to get a second of precious peace. After the arrest, Willow was given to the one closed at hand for the case. Katniss wasn't sure and still can't comprehend why she was given the task when the lawful state of the Capitol is the rightful caregivers. The papers have been signed. A sealed deal. Impenetrable. But a parent, she needs. And Katniss is still her mother, rather she accepts it or not.

"Oh, how I wish Peeta was here... he would know what to do... he would calm her down in an easy way that only he would think of doing..." Katniss would think to herself whenever the baby wouldn't stop the awful crying. It could go for hours without nothing working. Food. Playing. Singing a graceful tune. Nothing. The medication Peeta had purchased does the job for a minimal time. But then, she'll start all over again with the hysterical unhappiness. She misses her daddy, that most be it. She misses the familiar devotion, the sweet words of serenity and his forehead kisses. Katniss is only learning, she can tell. Learning to care on a higher level than when she and her sister were children. And Willow isn't used to her amateur ways of putting the diaper on wrongly, getting the formula too hot or too cold and nearly drowning the infant when attempting for a bath. Even Katniss herself wishes for Peeta's guidance. For his better ability of being a parent to their baby girl.

The fatigued weeping has the bedroom when a soft knock sounds from the front door. Katniss rises from the bed in confusion, the expectation of somebody's visit isn't for the late evening. Willow hasn't wished to sleep the whole day, leaving them both beaten and drained from energy. Tired to the core, the young mother walks the living room flooring to reach the front door. Hesitant, Katniss grabs the golden knob, turning the lock and slowly opens the door on crack to have a faint look of the late visitor. Hazel brown eyes have her silvery stare and a kind glance reaches her muddled scowl.

"Ms. Katniss Everdeen?" questions a middle-aged man. His deep voice is unpredictably soft, far from the raspy yelling she sometimes must deal with from neighbors or the landlord whenever she's only a single day behind paying rent. She answers with a light "Yes," and watches as the man's facial expression forms into warm smile as he introduces himself.

"Miss Everdeen. It a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Plutarch Heavensbee." Silently, she gazes at him, insecure rather to let him in or not. Outside folks usually don't show uninvited up on her doorstep, all along being calm and collect, like this man. Though, he seems harmless, almost comfortable to be around. But she can never be too careful. A small smile is given to her before the man speaks further. Perhaps he can tell her doubt of trusting him enough to let him into the privacy of her home, which he finds highly understandable.

"You are Peeta's stepfather," she states without a second thought. She doesn't quite know where her intuition came to that, maybe she had heard the name before at some point when Peeta mentioned his family at home in District 12. Yes, that must be it. Although, Mellark would've given her a better, much more convincing point for the untrustworthy sensation running down her spine. Then she'll know for sure. But with his cautious nature and patience at the fine manner, there's something unspeakably familiar about this man.

"I do prefer the title 'Father' for all my children. But yes, I am Peeta's father figure," says Plutarch Heavensbee with a gentle smile. Still hesitant, Katniss opens the door further to let him inside the apartment. The cold evening weather hits against her skin from the wind he pulls with, ghosting cold goosebumps all over her exposed neckline.

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