Chapter 11: Under the Willow.

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Peeta's pov:

It turned out that Finnick never drove here in his car because his mom borrowed it as she had an emergency. Annie needed hers to drive her and Finn jr around, so he freaking took the train. When he told me, I got so furious that my daughter cried and screamed for a hours on end, even after I stopped yelling. Fortunately he had brought the things with I told him to, apart from the car seat but he was smart enough to bring a baby lift instead. But the biggest problem would be me as the picture of my face hangs on every wall in the city. Apparently while I was visiting Katniss, Finnick and Tigris had made a plan for how we would come home safe and sound. Tigris, who is the master of clothing, found us some of hers and her late husbands Capitol clothes so we would look like a part of the massive population and be unrecognized.

I almost got a panic attack when we arrived to the station. But one little glance down to the lift where my daughter was sleeping with a pacifier in her mouth and covered in a small fluffy warm blue blanket so people would think that she is a boy, made me calm and I found all the courage I had and made it inside the train. Right away I felt claustrophobic, like all peoples eyes were on me and recognized me as the Peeta Mellark aka the kidnapper, but I quickly found out that it was my baby they looked at. If Finnick hasn't been there to grab my arm and lead me to our seats, I would have just standing paralyzed in the crowd like a frighten animal, waiting to be caught by its attacker.

Even when we sat down on our seats, I looked over my shoulder every minute to make sure that we were safe. I didn't relax for hours after that. Only when my daughter needed me to if she cried or just wanted my attention. After four hours I finally leaned back and inhaled deeply to calm myself. Though even if it's 1 a.m in the night and most of the light in the train is out so people can sleep, doesn't seem to make me wanna close my eyes and just fall into a deep slumber. Instead I just keep my eyes wide open and look out of the window into the dark night or play with my baby when ever she is awake.

Finnick, who is sitting in the seat next to me and has his head leaned back in the seat with his mouth open as loud snores comes out, has an original Capitol male suit on in a dark purple colour which actually lights up his sea green eyes. While I have a full length tight woman dress on in a lighter purple, to match Finnicks outfit, and a big blond wig on top of my head. My hands is covered in tight white gloves to make me look more feminine and as Tigris said, so people don't see my hairy big man hands. My face is all dolled up with three heavy layers of make-up to hide the smallest sign of hair growth on my face from my upcoming stubble. But the absolutely worse is the high heels. I don't understand how girls can walk in these. They are too small for my feet and they are literally trying to kill me when I walk because I almost fall every step I take.

The train is almost dead quiet, if you don't count the constantly snoring from Finnick and other men in. Weird as it sounds it doesn't make me feel utter alone that I am the only in this compartment who is awake at this time at night. Its like I can't get myself to sleep. My mind is not allowing me to take a break from all the worry and fear I am feeling inside, so the only thing I can do is wait till we get to 12 in 6 hours.

When I have tried to figure out the weird squiggles on the seats armrest for a half an hour, I get bored so I fish the paper I took from Katniss' apartment out of my purse, I feel ashamed just thinking that I now have a purse, and I read through it.

Deep in the meadow,
Under the willow,
A bed of grass,
A soft green pillow,
Lay down your head,
And close your eyes,

I remember her singing this song for me the night before I left to calm me down. Already that time, I knew that our goodbye would be the last. Of course I never knew that all this would happen, but I let all my emotions out on her by having a panic break down. Though she managed to calm me with this song and I haven't forgotten it since.

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