Chapter 9: Coming to the rescue.

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Peeta's pov:

Sometimes I really wish that I didn't kidnapped her. That I had let them take her away to a good and loving family, where she would grow up spoiled till she poke of it, and more happy then she will ever get. I should just have gone home without having any form for more contact with her, or Katniss for that matter, and married Delly like I planned to do instead of getting myself into this mess. Of course its always easier to say what I should or shouldn't have done, but at the same time, Its extremely hard to not think that way everytime I need to hide in a allyway or behind a car to not getting noticed. But my negative thoughts slowly change to positive when I look into those innocent deep ocean blue eyes of hers. Its just like all the doubt fades away and I instantly remembers why I'm doing this, and I know that I won't change my decision for anything in the world.

It was hard to find a place where we could stay, especially after the disaster on the hotel, but I managed to think of a safe hideout for us. Lets just say that I was lucky to be in the right neighbourhood at the right time. I wasn't sure if I could trust anyone, I still don't believe that I can, but I knew one person who would do anything for her family no matter what, and that is my aunt Tigris. She is my step father's, Plutarch, sister but she is a perfect example on that you don't have to be blood related to feel like you are a real family member.

I honestly don't know what I should have done if she wasn't home when I knocked on the backdoor to the underwear and fur store she owns. I would perhaps have been out in the dark cold night, desperately trying to calm my baby down as she would cry for food, which I don't have more of.

It was surprisingly easy to convince Tigres to let us stay, even though she have seen the posters and heard about the kidnapping on tv. I told her the truth about the bad situation and what have happend for me to do what I did. I didn't tell all of it though, only the part where I didn't want them to take my daughter away from me.

Tigris have never been the suspicious type of person, so she didn't ask me further about it and told me that I could stay in her basement till Finnick comes me to the rescue. Its a good 15 hours car journey from District 12 and to the Capitol, but its almost that long since I borrowed her phone and called him, so he should be here very soon. I just hope that he took all the things with that I told him to, because its getting hard for me to follow on what my daughter needs and want.

Right now, I'm laying comfortablely on a bed of soft fur, try to catch up on a little sleep as I wait for the moment where Finnick finally shows up. I'm laying on my left side because my right still hurts from when I jumped out of the window yesterday, I'm almost certain that I need to get it checked for any serious damage when I get home, and I am facing my beautiful sleeping baby daughter. Her short dark brown hair is all messy and is sticking out in any directions. I doubt that my hair looks any better to be honest, considered that I haven't had a shower for almost two days now. I can't take one in Tigris bathroom, cause I could be seen by the cameras while sneaking into the store, and I don't want to set my aunt in a difficult situation by letting people think that she has male visit, when she isn't even close to be that type of woman, so I'll reather feel dirty and wait till I get home where I can enjoy a nice warm shower in peace.

As I look at the small baby infront of me, I see more familiar features on her, some I haven't noticed until now. Like her ears. They look similar my dads. Not Plutarch, even though he is like a father to me, but my biological dad. I smile to myself as blurry memories of him, my brothers and I baking together when he was alive, flash into my head. Gosh, what wouldn't he say to me if he saw me now. Probably something wise and that everything is gonna be alright, as long as I keep my head cool, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I close my eyes, in hope that I can get some more sleep, but unfortunately, I don't get the chance because a soft knock on the basement door sounds. I sigh as I slowly get up from the floor. I make sure that my daughter is still asleep and I tuck her blanket up to her tiny chin, hiding her slightly, before I walk to the bottom of the stairs, which leads up to the store. The door slowly opens and my heart beats faster for every second until its fully open.

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