Starting Off

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I get up off the beach and walk to meet him. I don't know his name, where he's from or anything. All I know is that we are here together and that's all I want to know. I love him and I know he loves me, that's all I care about. In his deep gruff voice I hear him say my name, "Victoria!" He repeats my name several times, getting loader each time. "Victoria! Victoria! Victoria!" I give him a confused look before everything starts to go black again. I run to hug him but don't make it. I see him whisper, "I love you. Goodbye." 

I wake up even more angry than before. I hear my mother calling my name, "Victoria, get ready for school." It's 4am on February 13th and I need to get ready for school. I'm on my last semester in high school now, and I cant wait to leave. I walk into the bathroom and immediately squint from the bright light. I spend a few minutes looking at my face. My dirty blonde hair and green eyes show bright in this light. I grab my face wash and toothbrush and start getting ready. I walk into my room and get dressed. I find my normal grey jacket and jeans with some knock off vans. I brush my hair and put my glasses on. I run and grab my bag and rush out the door.

I drive my old Volkswagen buggy into the parking lot and rush inside. I hurry to my class trying not to get noticed by anyone. Then, with all hatred in my mind, I hear my name. Its the most popular guy at school, Jason. I turn my head and stare at him blankly till he gets to me. Me being me I say what instead of hello. "Well, V, I wanted to invite you to my party this Friday night," he said. "I don't know, Jason. I don't really go to parties." I say. Jason says, "Ill see you at nine. Be there or I will pick you up myself." I role my eyes and walk away. I go through the day and hurry home. 

I run up stairs and get on my computer to talk to my friend. I email her everyday even though she died 5 years ago. Me, her and Jason were all best friends until she started dating Jason. I stopped hanging out with them since it felt weird. After a month of them dating I get a call from her mother asking my to come over quick. I walk in and see my best friend hanging from the ceiling. Long story short I was in shock for about a year before Jason found me in tears in the school hallway. I type about today and about my dream. I grab my bag and check my homework before I go down stairs and grab dinner. I eat a cup of ramen and run to get in the shower. Its about 4 by the time I'm out of the shower. Since I have no life I go to bed right after, waiting to see him again.

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