.22 the one where stasia opens up

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So I, Annie Smith, finally got the chance to sit down with the one and only, Anastasia Dobrev

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So I, Annie Smith, finally got the chance to sit down with the one and only, Anastasia Dobrev. Anastasia was so polite the whole time and I couldn't believe it! I've read so many other articles about her being stuck up, but let me tell you, I have never met someone so sweet! I sat and watched the photoshoot all morning, Stasia was constantly chatting away with everyone on set and constantly winding Nina up, who had decided to sit in on this shoot. After the shoot she was happy to sit down with me and answer some of mine and yours, the fans, questions. Let's get to it!

ANNIE : Thanks so much for meeting with me, I've been wanting to do this for so long! How are you today?

STAS : Oh don't worry about it! I'm doing fine, how are you? Sitting in on the shoot must have been boring, you had to sit with Nina the whole time so I really feel for you.

ANNIE : Haha she's not that bad! But I'm great thankyou, if you don't mind I have some questions for you. Some are my own and I've got some off Twitter and Facebook.

STAS : Of course!

ANNIE : So you recently reprized your role as the elusive Katherine Pierce. How did it feel to go back to The Vampire Diaries set?

STAS : It was amazing. Katherine has been the role of a lifetime. She is truly one of a kind, like me. Well, sort of. Out of all the characters I have played she has to be my favorite one, by far. I loved seeing everyone again you know, since I left a few years ago when Katherine was killed off, we all become distant. Well I did. When you go from being with the same people everyday to then moving to another state on your own, it's hard to keep in touch when you're all so busy working.

ANNIE : I understand, it must be hard having to adjust on your own. You say Katherine is your favourite character. Why is that and what did you feel when you read the script and seen that Katherine was being killed off?

STAS : She's the first role I had ever got, I got rejected from so many things before and I was prepared to give up and move back to Bulgaria with my Grandparents. And then Nina gave me a call and said that Julie had an opening for me and she'd love for me to audition. I went to the audition and seen that it was for Katherine and I remember asking why they couldn't just use Nina for it, because it was a doppelganger role. Julie had said that Nina told her that I would be a perfect fit for Katherine because I was basically Katherine anyway, just not the vampire part. I wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for Nina. I was so ready to just give up, but when I got the role it reminded me that good things take time, and now I'm really glad that I never moved back to Bulgaria or I wouldn't be here today. Aw [ laughs in Nina's direction ] she's crying! I LOVE YOU NINA!!

When I read the script for that scene, admittedly I was pissed off. I seen so many new storylines for Katherine and so many ways that she could stay current, but Julie didn't want that. I had told her my ideas and she admitted they were brilliant and she could do them, but she didn't want to. Katherine was special to me in so many ways. She was the first role I had got but she stood out to me in so many ways. I love villains that have a real motive. Katherine was robbed of her life at the age of 17, her father was ashamed of her, her mother didn't stand up for her and she was banished to England. I think that in some ways, she's misunderstood, and we can all relate to that. All she ever wanted was an epic love and a life, which she feels Elena robbed her of. I think that Katherine portrays bravery, strength and empowerment to women. I think if she had someone throughout those years, it would have ended differently. She was a young girl trying to fend for herself whilst on the run for 500 years.

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