Chapter five

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I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, with my back against the headboard. It was a couple of minutes past eight and I just had dinner.
I dailed the number the number that I'd been swearing at for the past few days.
I expected it when I got the answering machine. I don't leave messages anymore so I killed the line and dialed again.
After two rings, I was about to shut off the line when she picked up
"mom? "
I heard the sound of the TV through the phone,behind her voice.
"Sam is this you? "
"yeah, mom it's me." I replied ,sad that I was sure she was a bit intoxicated because I just called her mom and being her only child, she would have known it was me but I was happy she was okay.
" I got your messages sweetie, but I was too occupied to reply them, but i was going to call " she slurred.
"Too occupied? For me? Over a week mom?" I sobbed.
I heard her sigh defeatedly on her phone.
"You know I'm trying honey. I really am." she said, her voice almost in a whisper.
"I believe you mom. But I need you to try harder. I just need my mom right now."
She didn't answer for a second then she said.
"You think I should see someone." I nodded then I realised she couldn't see me.
"Yeah. I think you should get some help"
I cried myself to sleep at night just wishing my life could turn out differently.

* * * * * * * * *
Wednesday at Tendervines

It was snack time at the daycare and I was gonna have a hard time getting the kids to eat their broccoli. I mean I'm 17 and I still hate broccoli.
I found Dale by the play area fixing up a Lego tower
"Hey there, buddy." I chirped.
I wasn't gonna let his idiot brother make me hate him too.
"Hi Sam." he said and turned back to his tower.
I sat down on the first beside him.
"Have you had your veggies?" I asked already knowing the answer.
He shook his head animatedly.
"Why not? They're good for you. Plus, you have to have them." I tried convincing him.
"But they're gross. It's like eating a little tree." he said
I laughed at that, looking back to when I was at younger. I hated eating veggies and my beans. My dad would always have to trick me to eating them. Of course I knew I was eating them but he made them into something delicious.
Which gave me an idea.
"Dale, I'll be right back ". I went over to the kitchen area. I just hoped they had all the stuff I needed.
Sliced bread... Check.
And broccoli... Of course.
I sliced up the broccoli into bits and mixed it in a lot at chocolate nutella. I put the mixture into a sandwich and filled it with more nutella. It was a sandwich of nutella and broccoli. There's nothing better than nutella in bread.
I carried the sandwich out to Dave. He was done playing with his LEGO and was now sitting with a comic book.
"Here try this"
"Hhat is this? " he took it in his small hand.
"It's a brocolate sandwich" I said with a proud smile
"Try it"
And he did. After a few chews, his face was lit up.
"What's in it?" he took another eager bite.
I giggled as I watched him. The broclate sandwich was my dad's way of making me eat broccoli. You would barely taste them buried in chocolate and bread.
"Broccoli " I said plainly
"If you can do this all the time, then I'll keep eating broccoli."
"Deal. "
Dale was nothing like his egocentric, rude and idiot brother. He was a kid though , I doubt Connor was like that as a boy. That'd be sad.
Okay guys just another filler but please don't forget to vote. The next chapter will be out in a couple of days. Thanks a lot to my editot and typist Anita_drea! Thanks to all of you!

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