Chapter three

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I shoved my biology textbook angrily into my locker. Who the fuck gives a surprise test on Monday morning?! The day is dreadful enough as it is without some sadist making it worse. Erin walked over to me with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Heard about the test." She said as she leaned on the locker beside mine. I was still trying to organize my locker as I replied,

"I cannot afford to fail any AP classes! At this point I'm hovering over a 'c' average."

"That's not terrible. You're just getting started." She said, shrugging.

I shut my locker and adjusted my shoulder bag.

"Yeah, well..." my voice trailed off. I was looking behind Erin, a few feet away from my locker, on the other side of the hallway, stood Jayson and Connor Simms.

I couldn't make out what they were talking about but they more interested in Connor's smile. He apparently talked a lot with his hands, an interesting trait.

My examination of him was cut short.

"Hello?" Erin snapped her fingers before my eyes, making me blink back to reality.

"Earth to Sam!" she then turned around to see what I was staring at. To turned back to me with a smug look on her face.

"Really?" she asked.

"Let's go." I tried to drag her with me away to the cafe.

"Really?" she said again trailing behind me.

"Let us go." I ended the conversation. I heard her stifle a laugh.

"Trust me, it does not gonna happen."

"Shut up, I was just looking!" I said defensively.

"Look all you want but that's all its ever gonna be." She said.

"You're crazy" I muttered. I turned one last time to catch a glimpse of Jayson and Connor but I saw Connor's gaze was already at my direction. I wasn't certain he was looking at me, but he was definitely looking my way.


I arrived Tendervines daycare a couple of minutes to three.

I met up with the matron and she showed me to the employee station. The place was quite large but there were a lot of other people working there at different hours.

I was assigned to toddlers from four to eight years. I'd have rather been assigned to babies that couldn't run around and pull your hair but I'd been dealt a hand so...

A few hours in, I was just done reading a story to some kids in the sleep area and I went over to the desk area to unplug my phone when my eye caught a little brown haired boy, staring intently at his notebook. I walked over to him and crouched to his level'

"Hey little guy." He turns to look at me. Cute kid, maybe six or seven. I could see he was trying to solve some basic math.

"What're you working on?" I asked him, stroking his hair.

"Homework" he simply said, doodling on the worktable. I'd probably have to clean that up later.

"Need help? "I asked. He definitely looked like he needed my help.

He nodded his head animatedly and I had to smile. I pulled up a chair and sat beside him and took a look at his notebook.

"Okay, so what do we got here?" I said looking at the simple multiplication related questions. There were eraser marks where I could see that he solved some questions and wiped them off again.

"We have to do some multiplying and I don't know how." He whined cutely.

"You don't know the timetables?"

I mean, I knew the times tables at his age, at least some.

He shook his head and replied,

"We were supposed to learn it as an assignment but my brother did all the work for me. He always does all the work for me. I asked him to teach me but he always says he's too tired." He shrugged.

Well that's one type of brother.

"Okay let's get to this then."

We worked on his homework for a while an when we were done, we broke for some snacks. After a while it was time to go.

I was helping him (Dale he says his name is) put is things in his bag when the zipper got stuck.

"Fuck! It won't budge!" he said and I stopped.

He finally got the zipper to close but that was none of my business. I was more concerned with the fact that a six year old just swore in front of me.

"Dale, did you just swear?" I had to ask, too appalled.

He just shrugged and slung his bag over his shoulders.

"Who taught you that word?"

"My brother." He replied nonchalantly. The same idiot brother who was 'too tired' to teach his brother the times table but could teach him to swear.

"Who's your brother?" I replied, looking round to see if I could spot an older version of Dale.

"That would be me." I heard a thick voice from behind me. I turned around to see...Connor Simms?

I hastily stood up and spun around all at once making me lose my balance and I stumbled and grabbed the table for support.

Great. First time we speak and I've already made a fool out of myself before I can even get a word out.

"Connor!" I blurted dumbly.

"Sam, right?" he answered with a plain look.

"Um, yeah." For some reason, I was lost for words.

"Any problem?" he asked with a raised brow.

When I gave a confused look, he added,

"Concerning Dale?"

Then I remembered and returned to babysitter mode.

"Dale said you taught him to swear." He simply shrugged like I told him it was going to rain.


"He's a little kid! He's not supposed to know those words." I stressed, frustrated at his insouciance.

"He's six. He picks up things he hears. What am I supposed to do about it?" he said, giving me a look that said I was wasting his time.

"Well. Maybe you should watch what you say around him." I folded my arms across my chest as I said.

"Well maybe you should mind your own business." He deadpanned and dragged Dale towards the door. Dale let out a small "Bye Sammie" before being towed off by Connor.

I scoffed in anger. Un-fucking-believable.

'How rude!' I thought. Who does he think he is anyway?!

I stomped back to the employee station to get my stuff. I wasn't looking forward to doing this anymore.


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