Chapter two

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Chapter Two...

As quickly as it started, the week ended. I adjusted into the routine of getting up thanks to Aunt Cass and waiting for Erin while having breakfast (after I almost starved to death by closing bell on Monday, I vowed not to trust Erin on the whole skipping thing ever again)before heading to school.

Dinner was usually prepared by Aunt Cass and the three of us ate at the table. After dinner, I cleared the table and Erin did the dishes because Aunt Cass was usually worn out by then. Since Erin's Dad died, she's been working double time and always comes home exhausted with just enough energy for dinner.

It was Saturday night and I was in my room when there was a faint knock at the door.

"Come in,"

Aunt Cass stepped in. she was holding the paper and a cup of what I guessed was coffee.

"Honey, I just popped in to see how you're holding up."

"I'm alright. Never better" I said, pulling my knees up to my chin.

"Well, I'm glad. How's Katherine?" she asked as she leaned against the wall.

When she mentioned my mom, my heart sank for the thousandth time that week. I had tried calling her lots of times but she was never there. I left hundreds of messages and still nothing. I just hoped she was okay.

"Honestly, I don't know"

"Still drinking?"

I nodded my head sadly. Aunt Cass sighed and sat on the foot of the bed.

"What about the rehab home I suggested?"

"Signed her up, never went. She keeps saying she can stop when she wants to. She never does."

At this point, Aunt Cass was rubbing my knee to soothe me.

"It's all a matter of time. Was all she said?

"Oh, I overheard you talking to Erin about needing a part time job." She started.

At this, I became more interested. I wanted some cash to start saving up for college since I seriously doubted that my mom was gonna pitch in enough to get me to Princeton. Generally, I also needed something to do after school. I never really had a job before because after school, I always had to stay home and mother my mom. Ironic, I know.

"Yeah, I need some cash for college." She beamed as she gave me her news,

"Well, there's an opening at this daycare near my old office. It's called Tendervines. I spoke to the matron and she said that you could work there after school."

I was honestly relieved. She saved me a whole lot of stress and time. At least I had someone to behave like a mother towards me since my real mom figure was obviously unaware of the job description.

"That's great! When do I start?" I gushed.

"Monday, 3-6. Can you handle it?" she asked taking a sip out of her probably now lukewarm coffee.

"Of course I can. It's just a couple of kids." I said.

I slept that night, happier than others. The guilt was still there though. The guilt from running from my mom how my dad did, but like him said when he was leaving,

"I just gotta move on with life."


Hey guys. Just little filler chapter. The next one comes up in a couple of minutes. Thanks Anita_drea! She my Editor and a great one at that!

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