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Nathalie call to check and Francine she and Francine had both decided to let the neighbor take care of her its three weeks now since she was back in California and everyday since she called. She couldn't explain to Francine why she had to leave she didn't know how to tell ASEAN about the baby which was four months in her belly now already she has started showing and it force her to tell her mother everything each bit if it,
Not that she like the out come but she understand it all she wish her daughter made a better decision than the one to run away with out giving him the change to decide,
"You should call him" Monique said to Nathalie seeing that for the pass two weeks he's been calling and calling.   
"What am I going to say to him?"
"What you should have said before you came back"
Nathalie could see where her friend was right but she couldn't talk to him now or was she going to be able to, it was killing not being able to tell him not been able to hear or see him and the fact that each time she turns the radio on to hear boyz ii men the colour of you. reminded her of that night he took her out for dinner and they dance to that song it was playing again when they were in his car, she had declare it to be their song
"I have to go to California immediately book my flight I want to leave this afternoon" ASEAN told that to Shelly Ann
"With out me, you're going to California when were you planning on inviting me?" Morrison ask
"I don't want to take you from your family "
" for how long will you be staying?"
"Till I make it right with Nathalie, it can take weeks I don't care weeks is when I'll stay" ASEAN said, he pack  mostly some T-shirt and sweat suit in a traveling bag a pair of slippers and a sneakers, his tooth brush, tooth paste and deodorant, and call a taxi.
Morrison called his wife and children letting them know he was going to be out of town for a week, or two on the way to the airport he shop for a few things and ASEAN draw money from the machine
ASEAN stay quiet for the three hours ride they rent a car at the airport and find the same motel they had stay in the first visit,
" I remember you!" A man of ASEAN age said to ASEAN
" you do?" ASEAN ask
"You were a friend of miss Bailey, I'm manager Austin perry I remember you for miss Bailey had came in and sketched your face on the wall of the room come let me take you",
Morrison look at ASEAN when they got to room 112 and saw the painting that Nathalie created with coloured pencil it was ASEAN himself,
" how well do you know her?" ASEAN ask
"She use to come and visit the room and for a while she wasn't around but she came just days ago"
"Have any idea of where she live?" Morrison ask
Austin shook his head "sorry I don't know but I know its a round here"
"Thank you ASEAN said " seated himself on the bed looking at the drawings of himself
Morrison say with him " what do we do now?" He ask
"We look for her" ASEAN said they still have a few hour left before night fall,
On the first night in California ASEAN spend it restless he try calling  the next day but got no answer he didn't have a picture to show only in his mind.
They decided to have lunch at Frankie a small cook shop in the area it was where Nathalie hang out most of the days she didn't work like Monique was doing and she have no one to hang with and since her mother started dating doctor Benton he was a regular visitor at the house and she wanted to give them space he was there today she pack her little bag, she sat quietly sketching ASEAN  face on a piece of paper like she did each day, the most you could hear was the low sound of voices and the television but soon people was roaring and greeting someone
She turn but couldn't see who it was she when back to her sketches but apart of her didn't feel like it so she got up and left she was on the side walk when something got in her shoe she rest them on the car closest to her to dust it out when she was finish and take up the papers one blew to the ground and another got left on the car with out her knowledge.
ASEAN walk out ahead of Morrison and was leaning on the car when he came out
"What's this ?" Morrison ask picking the paper off the car whistling when he saw the sketching of ASEAN face, a face just like the one in that motel room her name scribble under it in script, he hand it to ASEAN then saw another piece on the ground "she must have drop it by accident" Morrison said
"That means she's close bye, let's find out" ASEAN said almost running back to the cook shop
" please tell me you know a Nathalie Bailey five feet tall light skin very beautiful " ASEAN said to the African American working the tables.
"She's also around five months pregnant and a sketch artist?" The man ask
"Pregnant?" Morrison ask
"Well that's the only Nathalie I know and she already left sorry you missed her but she's here everyday except on week end"
"Do you have a address" ASEAN ask.
"No but she does not live far "
They both thank him and left 
"Could she be pregnant?" ASEAN question 
"If the guy said she is he must be right you two haven't been holding back, and no use of a condom I supposed".
ASEAN look at Morrison and he tell from his look his answer was no.
" I miss her i really do" he told it to Morrison, his mother call just as he came out the shower, like himself his mother was worried about Nathalie and want him to find her just as much as he did want to find her.

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