the landlord

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"Would you care for some bake chicken ?" Nathalie ask
Doctors proscription she's not to do much meat so much they proscribe against her eatings and she love bake chicken her son will kill her if he knew she even inhale it he beat down on her if she eat it he'll kill her twice,
What am I worrying a bout: Francine thought What he doesn't know can never hurt him, he haven't call it seems he haven't gone to visit the hospital as yet she was in trouble she knew he's going to be really really angry when he came and see the stranger in the house the stranger who's bake chicken was giving off so much aroma Francine wanted to say that she couldn't accept it but the table was set for two chicken on the table green season to decorate. Francine sat down to eat it must have been something in the chicken for there she was inviting the stranger to stay with her free of cause her son covers all her expense from her food bill to her doctor bill the doctor bill that he soon to stop paying Francine had to see the doctor every week for sickness cause by dust , or food poisoning since she turn sixty four years ago she fall of a chair more than a hundred times from she hurt her legs the first fall its been a bother her son warned her but she just wasn't listening she had to stand up strong for him to not take her to live with him like he had done once and for the past two years he's been getting her a house keeper but she didn't want anyone in her house treating her like a baby so she didn't keep any of them when she's alone she's able to do what she like what her son want was for her to have a baby sitter some one to watch her every move because he can't do it himself he worry of her too much more than that of himself he should date more find someone else to get get married to and give her grandchildren before she dies
Francine stop loose focus on what her son think or might not think she was tired of him living her life for her just because he takes care of her gave him no right she cared for him too he's thirty six years old but just because he's a man doesn't mean a thing he wasn't born a man she wasn't going to worry about him now right now she is going to enjoy the company of the young lady with her.
After his tiring day ASEAN got home he wasn't going to be able to ran back to the hospital to see his mother for in less than an hour he have a business dinner in which he was hosting, it was six twenty when he got dress the meeting was at seven he sat to put his shoe on and an urge to call the hospital push at him
"I'm calling to find out a bout a patient by the name of Francine Rogers room 202" ASEAN said to the person who answer at front desk
She put him on hold to check
no Francine Rogers was register in room 202 only a young girl by the name of Bet who came in this afternoon.
"I'm sorry sir but there's no Francine Rogers in room 202"
"Can you check to see if she was move?" He ask he was put on hold a gain and he was becoming frustrated " shit" he curse
"Sir I was told she check herself out this afternoon"
"Shit! ASEAN express " what the hell is wrong with my mother!"
"I hope everything is OK sir" the nurse said
"I'm sorry, yes everything is fine, thank you for assisting me "
"OK sir so glad I could help.
In vexation ASEAN grab his phone and briefcase and was leaving with out his car key
" sir, Annette his house keeper call "Mr Lloyd your car keys"
"Shit" ASEAN said leave it to my mother to work my nerve" he grumble Annette knew from facial expression he was upset when she bring the key thought he was often quiet he didn't upset easily,
" thank you miss Annette
"I hope everything is alright sir" Annette said
" everything is fine thank you he start the car hunk at his horn then drove away.

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