the date

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ASEAN meeting in his office went over time right upon the ending and his client walk out his phone rang his mother was calling
" Nathalie is not yet home she's never this late " Francine said
ASEAN look on the clock it was seven thirty he check to see if his watch tells the same time it was saying the exact same thing
" I'll check if she's still at her desk mother, what is it you feeling lonely? I thought you like living alone"
"Shut up boy and do what you're supposed to do, someone is at the door"
He hang up with the thought of Nathalie being the one at the door but when he came out she was at her desk
"Putting in a little over time?" ASEAN ask coming over to sit on her desk
" I could hardly chose these are all I came up with " Nathalie hand him a dozen sheets of paper from the pile he nod as he look over them
"Funny these were the styles I chose when I went through them " he sigh " how about I take you to dinner?"
"Sure" she accept in a hurry as if he would change his mind.
" mother was worried and she called to see if you were still working " ASEAN said once they were seated at a table at Nixon's restaurant.
"I ask the neighbor to check on her and tell her I will be late, and I ask her to serve her dinner as well,"
"There's something of my mother she never likes anyone caring for her she fall and went to the hospital and was to spend a few days and check out " ASEAN said with a smile
She had learn of that but all she did was to smile saying, "your mom is a nice lady I see she can be a little stubborn but if you space your concern it will work"
" I thought of that I do but she got in to trouble quite often, she's aging she's not to be alone at her stage"
Sixty four isn't a stage a person who chose to live a lone to be alone as long as there's no danger and apart from falling from a old wooden chair your mother is completely safe and I'm going to make sure I do what I can for her she was kind enough to take me in,"
He was looking at her just staring like he could see through her
"She likes you a lot and I'm glad you're there and thanks for helping out"
Nathalie smile softly at him, he look more handsome now than she first remember though he was of slim built is body was to die for his smile was killing her softly apart of her wish to be in his arms having him caress her like he did that that night they have sex.
They left Nixon at ten he drove her home kiss her goodnight at the door they could hear his mother moving around the living room dragging the sick foot,
"Aren't you going to come in and see your mother?" Nathalie ask whispering
"No not to night, how a bout a real date Friday night I pick you up at eight" he whisper back
"Alright, we got a date, goodnight
ASEAN kiss her again wait for her to go inside before leaving, he was all smiles when Morrison meet him in his office on Tuesday
" was it something I miss?" Morrison ask
" what!" ASEAN said and Morrison could see his distraction he look through the blinds at the office window to see Bailey working at her desk her expression the same as ASEAN
"Did you and miss Bailey got busy?"
"Did I mentioned that miss Bailey is staying with my mother?"
"You haven't answered my question man, but how your mom love living a lone, so how did they, they met ?"
" they took the same cab i guess from there they make acquaintance,"
"That's good right at lease now you won't have to worry about your mother"
"Last night she was working late and ask the neighbor to check in on mom even to serve her dinner "
"So you are making use of this ?"
"Was it a question or you are implying that's what I'm doing ?"
"Question, implying, question, what the heck tell me what's going on in your life"
"I'm falling in love with her" ASEAN sees that as a bad thing for after what his wife did he could not trust another woman with his life again.

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