The Meet

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The manager office was first door to the left of the assistance desk with her suitcases bags and handbag Nathalie push towards the office knocking first wait to be told she should enter,
On entering the office a tall man around seven feet stood behind the desk looking though a sack of papers in a folder  invite her to sit with out giving her the chance to introduce herself. Nathalie was sitting for a moment waiting to be address, she clean her throat, "excuse me sir but I'm Nathalie Bailey I was supposed to come for an interview.
The not so handsome tall pale skin man smile at her
" I know who you are miss Bailey I'm here actually going through your sketches, but Haven't I seen you before?"
"Not that I can recall" Nathalie answer, she had forgotten she sent sketching of her design he was separating them,
"These are some pretty amazing designs miss Bailey perfect for our fashion block, I'm sure the boss will see eye to eye with me" he finish smiling, but miss Bailey I think we've met before some how your face look pretty familiar, but since you said we haven't let's leave it at that,
She has no problem leaving it at that she never for get the face of anyone she met especially a man, besides she wasn't a girl that has been on many dates her husband was her first love then her one night stand she haven't been out since and having a man is the last thing on her mind getting the job was he make mention of the boss Nathalie wonder so if he wasn't the boss  who was  he she  felt nervous her first approach was to see the boss to get his approval now her convenience was fading for after this she will have to see someone else. She sat nervously waiting to meet the boss looking to the back of the tall man who she few minutes ago think was the boss.
ASEAN ALEXANDER LLOYD was indeed running late he was never late before but they had called from the hospital informing him that his mother was in admission due to a fall her leg wasn't broken but it slipped she will have to remain there for a few days
"That will hold her for awhile" he said with a smile talking to himself "for nothing I try is working  I beg mom not to climb any chair what ever she want to do call me what so hard in that, since he took her to live with him and she complain of the living environment for her head couldn't stand to the noise  I'll have to  hired a maid just so you can sit still mother" that he had try too but she's always chasing them out her house, ASEAN sigh shaking his head he wasn't sure what to do any more  "mother, mother, mother" sighing deeply, "what's wrong with you" he smile for he could never get angry with her  for long she to him was like a little child one he dream of having of his own he almost got himself a child but his wife pregnancy wasn't his he started to question it  the night he found her sexual involved with another man few weeks before the baby was born blood test show the baby didn't belong to him but to the man he caught her with, it didn't took long to get a divorce and send her packing since that women menthe nothing to him now since his divorce he had only one sexual relationship that night he visit California and met this girl with no strings attached no questions asked the only thing between was a condom  they both could provide it had put a smile on both their faces as they both pull out of their pocket a single condom they took the privileged of using them both before they part ways he wasn't sure how wonderful the night was for her but he had a wonderful night like him she was celebrating his birthday she didn't knew that  but she gave him a good time now  all he knew about her was her face still lodged in his mind.
He was a hour and over late reaching the office
" thank you Morrison " ASEAN said to the  assistance manager with a smile.
The voice ring a bell in Nathalie's head he spoke with such sweet Melody that she picture that love seen between herself and a man she met only hours before climbing in some motel bed with him,
His  face was still visions in her mine and each time she hear a man with a soft spoken voice she remember her one night stand he was so soft spoken so sweet so charming so, so sexy! she emfasize That night released a lot of stress for her but she  was able to walk away with her dignity after her husband shameless act she was sure she will never give a man apart of her life for them to hurt her  again  

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