Chapter 10

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Caroline was not ready to see her ex- husband. She didn't think she would ever be ready to see him but she needed to get Maddie back even though it was going to hurt to leave Madeline. After getting to know Madeline and finding out she is like her minus the artistic gene.

She sighed before zipping up her suitcase. She didn't know how her daughter talked her into staying a few days in New Orleans but she was. She sat down on her bed and started thinking about Klaus. She wonder if he had really changed like Madeline said and what that would look like.

"Mom you okay?" Madeline asked. Caroline looked up and smiled.

"Yeah I'm okay"

"Okay, well the others are here" she said.

"Great, why don't you tell Elena and Bonnie to come here and you, Isabelle and Emma get in Bonnie's car."

"Okay" she said then left. A minute later Elena and Bonnie came in.

"I can't do this" Caroline said.

"Yes you can, It will be hard at first but just know that in the end you will have Maddie back." Elena said.

"What if I still have feelings for him and when I see him it just consumes me?" Caroline asked.

"Don't you think it will consume us to see the men that gave us our children?" Bonnie said.

"We just have to think about the kids. This trip is for the kids not us." Elena said. Caroline took a deep breath and nodded.

"For our kids" she said then stood up and grabbed her bag before they left the room. After leaving the house Bonnie drove the eight hour drive to New Orleans. Madeline told them that they were meeting Klaus and Maddie at one of Klaus's house in the French Quarter. Caroline took a deep breath when they reached the house they were meeting Klaus and Maddie in. They parked the car and got out before getting their bags from the back. They went inside and noticed they were the first ones there.

"Hello little witch" a voice said sending slight shivers down Bonnie's body. She turned to the man she loved and Caroline knew at that moment Bonnie was gone. She had been consumed by the handsome man's presence.

"Kol..." She said. Kol walked over to her and kissed her. After a few seconds he pulled away from her. Be look at Isabelle and smiled.

"You look so much like your mother." He said. Isabelle hugged him and he hugged her back.

"I can't believe I'm standing here with my parents." Isabelle said.

"I plan on being apart of your life." He said then look at Bonnie. "I love you too much to let you guys go."

"Not to interupt this special moment but where is Klaus and Maddie." Caroline said just as the front door opened.

"Mom!" Maddie said running to her mother. Caroline hugged her daughter before taking her face in her hands.

"No more wild trip without my consent." Maddie nodded as a throat cleared. They all looked up to see Elijah standing in the doorway staring at Elena and Emma. Emma smiled before going over to stand in front of him.

"It's nice to finally meet you." She said.

"Same here Emma" he said before pulling her in for a hug. Caroline noticed that Elena just stared at Elijah so she elbowed her in the side. Elena's trance broke and she cleared her throat to speak.

"It's good to see you again Elijah." She said. Elijah let go of his daughter and walked over to Elena.

"Now that you are here I won't ever let you or our daughter go. I don't care if you are dating some I love you Elena, I never stopped loving you." He said. Elena jumped on him and kissed him.

"I love you too Elijah" she said. Caroline looked over to the front door and her heart stopped. The love of her life was standing in the door... with another woman. She looked at her kids before looking back at Klaus and the woman.

"Caroline..." Klaus said.

"Klaus..." She said.

"I'm Camille, Klaus's fiance" she said.

"I'm Caroline the ex-wife" Madeline went over to her father and hugged him as Caroline and Camille had a stare down.

"Hey dad" Madeline said.

"Don't ever do that to me again you scared me." He said before hugging her.

"I'll try not too" she said hugging him back. Caroline's heart softened at the sight.

"So are you staying for the wedding?" Camille said with a fake smile that Caroline could obviously see through.

"No, Madeline talked me into staying a few day but that is it." Caroline said. She swore she saw determination in Klaus gaze but it was gone in seconds.

"We need to talk" Klaus said.

"We certainly do" Caroline said.

"Well let's go into the study and talk." Camille said.

"Not you sweetie" Klaus said making Caroline flinch a bit.

"Why not? I should have a say in what happens to them." Camille said. Caroline glared at her.

"Nothing is happening to them" Caroline said.

"Aren't they being punished?" She said. Caroline saw a look of satisfaction in Camille's eyes at the thought of the twins being punished.

"No they are not being punished so wipe that look from you face or I'll wipe it off for you." Caroline growled.

"I dare you too touch me" she said as her eyes turned red and her blood veins appeared as her fangs were bared. Caroline's eyes turned red and her blood veins appeared as her fangs were also bared.

"Bring it on bitch" Caroline said.

"You go girl" Rebekah said joining the party with Freya.

"Enough" Klaus said standing between the two blondes. "Camille, we are not punishing the girls and Caroline and I will talk alone for a bit." Camille huffed as her face turned back to normal before she headed up stairs. Klaus turned to Caroline as her face went back to normal.

"Shall we go into the study and talk?"

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