Chapter 56

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"There she is." Don smiled as he and Brad walked into the living room while Meryl began to lay down on the couch. "What sounds good for lunch? I want to take you and Dad out."

Meryl looked at Don in shock. "You WANT me to get out of the apartment?"

"I was surprised too, Meryl." Brad laughed at his daughter-in-law.

Don held up his hands. "I'm trying to back off. But we're taking a cab; you're not walking."

"I knew there was a catch." Meryl winked. "Don Man, you two go out and get lunch; I'm going to stay here."

Don sat on the couch next to her and tucked her hair behind her ears so he could get a better look at her; that was when he saw her green tint. "Morning sickness?"

"Some." Meryl nodded. "I'm just really exhausted and not feeling well at all. I was going to take a nap."

Don looked at Brad who nodded. "We will just have something here."

"No, please go." Meryl said threading her fingers through his. "You two have been wonderful nurses to me; but you haven't had much one on one time. Birdie here will take good care of me."

Don smiled at Birdie who was laying on the floor next to the couch; she was never far from Meryl these days. Don pointed to Meryl's cell phone on the coffee table. "You'll call if you need me? If you feel worse?"

"I promise." Meryl smiled as he covered her with a blanket. "Please go have fun; take a break. I'll just fall asleep watching TV."

Don nodded as he handed her the remotes. "Here you go. I'll lock up when we leave. Can I get you some ginger ale or hot tea or anything? Saltines?"

"I have my gatorade." Meryl pointed to the table. 

Brad went over and kissed Meryl on the top of the head. "We'll just go eat and come right back."

"You sure you're okay? PTSD?" Don asked concerned.

Meryl cupped his handsome face in her hands as she leaned forward to kiss his lips. "I'm really okay, Don Man. You're off the clock. Brad, you might have to drag him out of here."

"I'm going, I'm going." Don said with a quick kiss to her lips. "Get some rest. I love you."

Meryl shooed him away with her hand. "Go, have fun; and I love you too."

"I'll keep him calm." Brad laughed as Meryl smiled at him and he guided his son out of the living room.

Meryl looked down at Birdie as she turned on the television. "Well, Birdie girl, we better get used to this laying around thing because I think that's how things will be for awhile. Let's see what we can find to put me to sleep."


Don suggested they go to Zuckers Bagels in order to give Brad the New York bagel experience. He also thought he could pick something up to take to Meryl. Don was enjoying The Tribecca Bagel Sandwich while Brad went with the Reuben Bagel Sandwich. Brad noticed how Don kept looking at his phone. "No phone call is a good thing, son."

"I know." Don sighed as he put his phone back in his pocket. "Sorry."

Brad shook his head. "I think it's sweet you two are still so attached."

"It's not just that; I mean we are pretty attached and I'm glad we are." Don started to explain. "I mean we spend weeks apart at times in different countries because of our work. It's just with this pregnancy, her heart and everything else. I'm usually not this hovering husband."

Brad looked at his son. "Being pregnant at this age is scary and she's been incredibly sick. It's understandable. You both are lucky to have each other."

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