Chapter 11

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As Niall got into his locker, Harry had his head rested onto his shoulder, his hands around Niall’s waist. Niall put his books into his bag as he felt a single kiss being placed onto his neck.

"Do you and Liam have plans for this weekend?" Harry asked, pulling off of Niall as he shut his locker.

"No, but he might wanna do something; unless he’s doing something with Louis." Niall shrugged, wrapping his arms around Harry’s neck as he leaned back against his locker.

"I thought maybe we could hang out." Harry smirked, stepping closer to him, their foreheads pressed against each other.

Niall smiled, pressing his lips up to Harry’s, “Yeah, you could come over or we could go see a movie or something.”

Harry grinned, kissing Niall again, “Sounds great.” Harry reconnected their lips, his hands holding loosely onto Niall’s hips.

"Alright you two." Liam sighed, walking up to them. Harry pulled back, Niall blushing.

They made their way down the hall towards the doors, “You’re funny.” Harry said, his hand resting on the low of Niall’s back, “You have no problem kissing me in the hallway but as soon as your best friend walks up you get all embarrassed.”

Niall shrugged, pressing his shoulder into Harry more, “I don’t know.”

"I’m just going to assume you two have something going on his weekend." Liam asked.

"Yeah, we’re hanging out tonight." Niall said.

"Well, Louis’ got a gift card for this restaurant, I can’t remember the name, but he suggested we could do like a double date thing." Liam shrugged.

"Yeah, sounds like a pla-" Harry stopped himself, seeing Zayn walked down the hallway towards them, ramming his shoulder into Niall, nearly knocking him over. Harry squeezed Niall’s hip before turning around, growing furious, "Really?" He yelled across the hallway gaining Zayn’s attention, along with several others, "Are you fucking serious?"

Niall stood back with Liam as they saw Zayn approaching Harry, “You got a problem?”

"Yeah I do, so why don’t you stay the fuck away from us. I really don’t have time for your ignorance." Zayn clenched his jaw, grabbing two fists full of Harry shirt, "Hit me! I fucking dare you! You never seemed to have a problem with it before!" 

Zayn inhaled heavily, sighing out loudly and pushing Harry backwards before walking away. Harry gritted his teeth together, turning around and grabbing Niall’s hand, leading the three of them out the door.

They all climbed into Louis’ car, Louis leaning over to give Liam a kiss. He kissed his cheek softly before headed out, noticing that they weren’t in the mood for talking.

Harry sat in the back seat with Niall, staring out the window as he controlled his breathing, “You alright?” Niall asked, his hand running softly up the part of his back not pressed against the back seat.

Harry turned to him, nodding softly with a small smile, “I’m fine, just angry.” Niall nodded, retrieving his hand.

As they approached a red light, Liam asked Louis quietly what had happened, “Zayn being an asshole.” Liam tried to let out without Harry or Niall hearing but it was nearly impossible with how silent it was. 


After Niall and Harry had left the movies, they had headed back to Niall’s house to stay the night. As they opened Niall’s front door, they were still laughing at the movie.

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