chapter 9

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As Niall opened his bedroom door, he squealed, seeing Liam sitting on the foot of his bed. 

He breathed out, shutting the door, “Fuck, Liam you scared me.” He said, throwing his towel onto the floor. He took another look at Liam and saw that we was crying. Quickly, he knelt down in front of him starring up at his face. “Liam, what’s wrong?” He asked worried.

Liam lifted his head to look down at Niall, his lip quivering. He gulped, “L-Louis’ gone.”

"What? What do you mean gone?"

"I-I-I don’t know. He just, left."

"Liam please, you’re not making any sense." Niall nearly begged, starting to get scared.

"I haven’t been sick the past few days, Louis hasn’t been text or calling me back so I was really upset and didn’t wanna talk to anyone. After like two days I went over to his house. His room mates said he just left with only a note saying ‘sorry I had to go’." Liam started crying harder, "I don’t know what’s going on and I’m scared."

Liam slid off the bed and sat on the floor. Niall scooted up next to him, pulling him into his side. He sighed, “I don’t really think there is anything you can do but wait.”

Liam sighed, sniffling, “I know. But I don’t wanna wait, I just want Louis.”

"He’ll come back you know."

"What if his doesn’t? What if something’s happened? What if-" Liam gulped, starting to cry again, "I just want my baby." He whimpered.

Niall sighed again, wrapping his arm tighter around Liam’s shoulders. “Liam you can’t think to negatively about this. Maybe he had a legit reason he had to go.”

"I can’t think of one though. What would be so important that he wouldn’t contact anyone and just leave out of nowhere?" 

Niall shook his head, he heard his mom leaving for work outside. He looked at the clock, seeing school had started almost five minutes ago. “Liam, you really should be going to school though.”

"I don’t wanna." Liam nearly whined. "Not until I know Louis’ okay."

"You don’t know how long that’ll be be. You can’t skip many more days before they’ll be on your ass."

"Please don’t make me go to school today. I don’t wanna start crying in the middle of class."

Niall inhaled deeply, “Fine, but you’re going to have to go tomorrow.”

Liam sat up, “Okay, I think I can get myself some what together by then.” They both stood up, “Will you drive me home though? It was really scary driving over here. I was shaking and-“

"Yeah I’ll drive you."

They walked downstairs and into Liam’s car, driving until they were at Liam’s house.

"You can just come pick me up from school tomorrow in my car and then I’ll- what are you doing?" Liam stopped himself mid sentence once Niall parked the car and got out; Liam followed.

"Do you really think I’m going to go to school again without you? Especially when Harry not even talking to me." Liam smiled and Niall sent one back. They headed inside and up to Liam’s room.

Liam lay on his bed on his side, staring at a picture of him and Louis on his bed side table. Louis had insisted they took a couples picture. So they had set up the camera on a timer and they sat across from each other, both of them leaning in and meeting at a kiss, their hands locked together. 

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