chapter 4

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"So." Niall started as him and Liam walked side by side down the hallway to their next class. "How’s you and your boyfriend doing?" 

"We aren’t dating yet." Liam smiled as they walked into the class, heading for their seats. 

"Liam, it’s been over a month." 

"Yeah well he said he wants to get to know me more before he asks me out." 

"Even after…."

"Yes even after that." 

"Wow, maybe he is actually trying." 

"Yes, Niall he’s trying. He is actually sweet you know." 

"Do you want to date him?"

"Well duh! I’m just waiting for him to feel comfortable with it and ask me out." 

"Why don’t you just ask him out?" Niall shrugged. 
"Well why don’t you just ask Harry out?" Liam rolled his eyes. Niall starred at him before getting into his bag and pulling out a paper he started working on. "Sorry." 

"Yeah. It’s a bit different I think. Louis doesn’t have a boyfriend does he? You’re talking to Louis daily aren’t you? Louis know you exist doesn’t he?" 

"I’m sorry, I know it’s different that was wrong I’m sorry. I just wish you’d grow some balls and talk to him." 

"Yeah, so do I."

Liam swallowed thickly about to retaliate but the teacher began talking. 

"Class, we’re starting up a new project. It’s a book report project." The class groaned. "Hey, settle down, you will be allowed partners, but only groups of two, no more." 

There was a paper passed out to them, and the teacher continued talking but Niall wasn’t paying attention to any of that. He starred between the two girls ahead of him at the curls in the front row. He sighed silently, wishing he could be partners with him. 

"Niall, which one do you want to do?" Liam starred at him, his finger pointed on Niall’s paper.

"What? Uh, huh?" Liam smirked, rolling his eyes because he knew why Niall was clueless. 

"We get to choose which book we read out of this list. which one do you want to read? I don’t care."

Niall scanned down the list. He shrugged pointing to one. “Let’s just read The Great Gatsby.”

"Okay, sounds good to me." 

"This should be easy right?"

"We have to each right a report on the book and present it. All by next friday." 

"You’re fucking kidding me right?" 

"It’s not that long of a book."

"Yeah but I read slow and I’m really bad at writing. History is my strong subject, not english."

"It’s ‘cuz you’re Irish isn’t?"

"Yeah so funny." Niall rolled his eyes.

"Look Niall, we’re supposed to read together so that’ll be easy. And if you really need help writing it I could help you, just as long as I’ve done mine."

"Yeah thanks I feel great now."

"Look I don’t like this anymore than you do but it’s worth a lot of points so let’s just bare through this okay?" Niall shook his head, looking back over at Harry.

He was talking with Zayn, Niall assumed they were discussing what book to read.

"Why can’t I be partners with Harry, he’s smart when it comes to english." Niall sighed.

"Huh? Sorry I was uh, I was texting." Liam looked up from his phone, smiling as he met Niall’s eyes. 

"Who were you texting?" Niall asked, not wanting to repeat what he said.

"Louis." Liam grinned. "He wants to hang out once I get out of school. You should come with." 

Niall shrugged, “I don’t know, I don’t want to intrude, don’t wanna be a third wheel.” 

"Niall, we’re not even dating."

"Yeah but you both want to be." 

"Look, you’re my best friend. If Louis becomes my boyfriend I’d like for you two to get along so we can all hang out so I don’t have to choose between you and so nothing will be awkward." 

"Fine. But if he shows any sign that he doesn’t want me there I’m never doing it again." 

Liam rolled his eyes grinning, “I think he’ll surprise you.” 

"What school does he go to anyway because he sure as hell doesn’t go here." 

"Oh he’s in UNI, he’s taking a year break after his sister was diagnosed with cancer, she’s okay now, she beat it, but he’s still very protective and stuff. But he says he’s going to go back next summer." 

"Oh how delightful of him."

"Don’t be a dick, Niall. just because he had sex with me doesn’t mean you should be jealous of him."

Niall laughed loudly, “If I were to be jealous of one of you two, it would be you, not him.” 

"What’s that supposed to mean?" 

"Means your boyfriend’s damn hot." 


"Hey little guy." Louis joked, rounding his car where he met Liam in a hug. Liam grinned, squeezing him close before letting go. 

"Hey, you decided to come." Louis messed up Niall’s hair. Niall rose his eyebrows, half smiling. 

They walked into the small ice cream shop and ordered, than sat down to talk. They talked for hours, just sitting there.

"See, he’s not that bad." Liam said as they pulled out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, I guess not. He seems like he is actually trying." 

"He’s so sweet." Liam found himself grinning.

"He needs to ask you out already, you guys seem very comfortable together." 

"Yeah, he just wants to make sure I guess." 

"Sounds like he nervous."

"He’s not- he’s not nervous, Niall." 

"That’s not bad, it means he likes you. You make him nervous." 

Liam smiled, his cheeks growing a small shade of red. “I really like him.” 

"I can tell." Niall half smiled back at him.

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