chapter 3

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"Do you want to go to McDonalds?" Liam asked Niall as they threw their bags into the backseat of Liam’s car. 

"Obviously." Niall grinned. Liam smiled back before starting the car and driving out of the school parking lot. 

"Okay, so it’s Friday. What are we going to do?" 

"I don’t know. We’re both losers so…" Niall twisted his fry around in his ketchup. 

"Oh shut up, Niall. So what if we’re losers? We can still do whatever we want. We’ve got each other and that’s all the matters right?" He starred at Niall, waiting for an answer before he continued. Niall nodded his head, shrugging. “So let’s go do something. Go to a movie, go bowling just something. Niall you’re not even paying attention to me." 

Liam huffed, seeing Niall stare off into the distance. “What are you even looking at?" Liam turned around slightly and sighed. 

Harry and Zayn were in line ordering. Harry had his hand wrapped around Zayn’s waste and they were laughing. 

"I don’t really want to do anything today. You can just drop me off back at home if you want." Niall looked back down at his fries, slowly nibbling on one. 

"No." Liam said flatly, catching Niall’s attention. “I know exactly what we are going to do and you don’t have any say. Now finish your food so we can leave." 


"Put a nice shirt on." Liam said as they walked into Niall’s bedroom. 

"What? Why?" 

"Just do it." 

"I don’t wanna." 

"Fine! You can go in that."

"Are you like trying to take me out on a date or something?" Niall asked concerned.

Liam chuckled. “Not really. Come on, we should leave now." 

"Oh my god." Niall groaned as they headed back downstairs and into Liam’s car. 

"Stop complaining."

"I’ll stop complaining when you tell me where we’re going." 

They sat in silence the whole way there. Niall grunted when he saw where Liam pulled into.

"Really? A gay bar?" Niall looked over at Liam, his arms crossed.

"Actually its a club. Come on, you could find someone."

"Could, which is more like I probably won’t and even if I do, what then? The majority of the guys in there just want sex and they’re all drunk anyways. So you’re expecting me to go in there looking for some stranger that I can loose my virginity to, because I’m nowhere close to prepared to do that." 

"No, Niall. I’m saying give someone the chance. I can see that you’re heart broken that Harry and Zayn are together, so go get someone that’s going to help you move on."

Niall closed up, opening his car door and walking towards the door. Liam chanced after him, reaching him once they entered. 

"I’m sorry Niall." Liam finally let out as they headed towards the bar. 

"It’s fine, I know you’re just trying to help but there’s nothing I need help with." 

Liam starred at Niall for awhile before sighing. “Okay, I’ll back off." 

The grabbed their drinks and headed over to a couch. They drank and talked as they watched guys and girls walk around them and dance. 

"Maybe this was a bad idea." Liam sighed.

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