Thirty-Seventh Grain

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Grain... Country of Pesok

The whirling lights continued on as if nothing else had been. It was as if nothing else had ever been there. The lights swirled, and the songs where all that was supposed to be there. She was not sure what it was that her name was at that moment, but it was very important to her. The world that was when there was another sound. A point in the center was blackness, and the blackness slowly began to get larger and then, it took over everything...

...Amaretto fell through the sky and the first thing that she saw was sand. Then she felt the ground hit her with a forceful thunk. Amaretto looked up and then saw that the sky was filled with a large sun of boiling hot mass. The sun baked the area all around and the heat felt stifling. Amaretto rolled over onto her back and then sat up. She coughed and then looked around her surroundings. Blinking her eyes, she saw her aunt standing there in front of her with another woman. Katherine had her hair flying behind her in a rather brusque wind. Her aunt took a moment to brush her hair away from her face and smiled at her.

"Well then. I think that we are all here aren't we?" Katherine looked at the next woman and then nodded. The other woman smiled and simply nodded.

Amaretto looked at her aunt and then said, "Wait, where are the clothes you where wearing?"

Katherine was dressed in a rather bilious blouse made of blue silk. That was when she noticed the pants. There was a pair of pants that her aunt was wearing that was a little like a pair of parachutes. They too were blue and the moment she looked at them she realized that her aunt looked a little ridiculous and out of a really bad Disney cartoon. That was when it hit her.

"Oh my god, those are harem pants. Why are you wearing harem pants?"

There was a moment while Katherine looked at her and then said, "At least call them by their original name. They are to be called sharovary." Katherine's voice was a little annoyed, but she didn't look at it.

Amaretto raised an eyebrow and then looked at herself. She was still dressed in corset and all too large dress, and she was beginning to sweat quite a bit. Her voice was a little dry as she spoke. "Wait a minute, you might have the awesome clothes, but why am I still in these?" Amaretto motioned to her own clothing and then motioned to her aunt's. Katherine looked at her own fairly breezy outfit and then seemed to remember that Amaretto was still in her dress from the Second Great British Empire.

"Oh goodness, I forgot. You must be baking to death in all of that. Here, hold on just a moment; let me have Isarra get you something to wear." Katherine clapped her hands and the other woman made a deep bow and then hurried off. Katherine moved the short distance between her and her god-daughter and then smiled at Amaretto.

"Sorry about that. I forgot for a moment how hot the country we are in is. We are in Pesok. I believe it means sand. Even still, it's almost midday. I hope you don't bake to death."

"It is rather hot," Amaretto agreed to glumly. "Where are we?"

Katherine shrugged. "From what I have been able to gather we are in the county of Sand. Here they call it Pesok, but it still is nothing more than just desert it seems. On the other hand, I have still not been able to make contact with Tempus. It seems as if he has been cut off."

Amaretto looked at her finger and noticed that the pearl ring was still there. "Do you think that it could work?" She lifted it up to the sky and then watched it as it sparkled in the sun. She brought it back down to her lips and then said, "Tempus can you hear me?"

All that she heard in her mind was a faint sort of static that seemed to encompass all she said. She looked to her aunt and then shook her head. "I can't seem to reach him. It's like its just static there, nothing else."

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