Third Grain

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In which Time travel is presented and explained and Amaretto loses Three hours of her life...

As she sat on the couch, her aunt continued to watch the soap opera in front of her.

She asked her aunt what had happened. "How did I lose three hours of my life then?"

Aunt Katherine, eyes glued to the TV, responded without even turning to look back. "You used the hourglass of course. You twisted it too hard and thankfully, your house acted like a black hole and kept you in the same spot and only shifted you three hours forwards." She sipped her martini and then smiled as she picked at one of the olives and ate it.

"How could I possibly dash forward three hours? That is impossible." Amaretto frowned at her aunt.

Her aunt sighed again and then said, "I say again, you used the hourglass. That's what I've been trying to tell you. You seem not to be able to grasp this concept. Can't we just figure this out when my soaps are off?"

Amaretto frowned and then spoke. "No, I need you to tell me right now!"

Katherine frowned and then placed her martini down and said. "All will be explained again at promptly..." she pulled her palm pilot out and then said, "At four twenty-seven and zero seconds." As she said this, she picked up her martini again and began to sip from it.

"That still does not necessarily make any sense." Amaretto was beginning to get agitated; however, her "faerie" godmother was not to be bothered. She sipped at her martini and then muted the TV.

"We have commercials on at this moment so I'm going to make it quick." She put her martini down and picked her palm pilot back up again. She then began to read off verbatim what was written on the small screen.

"Well, it appears that at 1:27, you made a 6,660 degree turn of the hourglass, in an unknown effort to see the glass turn. You then jumped forward three hours in which you had already returned to be hiding behind the couch while I once again explained what happened to you for the second time."

Amaretto interrupted. "A second time?"

"Yes a second time. This would be the first time that I am telling you."

Amaretto nodded again and then apologized quickly and then allowed for her aunt to continue with what it was that she wanted to say.

Katherine nodded and once again started to read again what was on her palm pilot. "I had the second you go into the kitchen and make me a martini. I then explained to you how to use the hourglass. Which I then sent you back with, however, we got off a little bit and I wound up not sending you back far enough and you appeared at one thirty nine and thirty-two seconds, with my martini in your hand. You handed off my martini to me and then you tripped over your own feet and then hit your head and the glass twisted only twenty-two degrees and you jumped forward a minute and five seconds. That was when you crashed on the couch."

"I crashed on the couch?"

"Yes, you fell on the couch and fell asleep for only a few minutes. You then woke up and became belligerent."

Amaretto frowned and then said, "I am not belligerent."

Katherine put her palm pilot down and then frowned as she picked up her martini. "You make an excellent martini, but a horrible liar. Don't worry; your mom won't be home until after you come through a second time at around four thirty."

Amaretto nodded and then said, "What time does mom get home?"

"Around Five."

"Then we have enough time to truly explain what it is that you gave me."

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