Chapter 31. The Book's Advice

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Lilith's plan to showcase the miracle of the water-swallowing floor, and to prove her sanity, fell through. Disappointed, guests turned to Gustav. There were exclamations of delight, the pushing of chairs, the shuffling of feet. The entire assembly got swallowed by anticipation frenzy. Amidst the chaos, Alfred peered at Lilith and cracked a smile so wide that she wished for Rosehead to burst in and swallow him whole.

"Lilith." Ed nudged her urgently.

She stared blankly, in a trance. "Why didn't it work?"

Panther pawed at her leg, blinking in a way that implied, It's incredibly simple, silly, if you care to entertain that thing you have over there called a brain?

Lilith only gaped.

"Need. To show you. Now." Ed flung his arms about, sending his fork flying.

"You can tell me, you know." Lilith frowned. 


Before Lilith could say anything else, before her father and mother reached her, Ed pulled her away from the table, tugging on her hand. They broke into a run, Panther gamboling at their side, narrowly avoiding Agatha who carried a mop and a bucket. "Little miss shouldn't go into ze garden tonight," she said sternly.

Wiping her hands on an apron, Monika came out of the kitchen, evidently to see what the commotion was about. "Meine kleine Prinzessin!" she called after Panther.

Somebody shouted Lilith's name. She paused to look. Ed snatched her arm. "No time. Please."

Lilith's heart hammered. "Where are we going?"

"Your room."

"What for?"

But Ed didn't answer, his face set on the task of escaping. They hopped two steps at a time, sprinted along the corridor, and stopped in front of the last door on the left. Ed pushed it open, ushered them in, and locked it.

"Hey! Where did you get the key?" said Lilith breathlessly.

"Agatha." Ed wiped his brow. "Gave me."

"She just gave it to you? Just like that? Wait, is there something you know that I don't, something I need to know?"

"Long story." Ed scrunched his face in concentration.

"Not to worry. I have all the time in the world," said Lilith, crossing her arms and eyeing the door.

"Not now." He touched Lilith's bag. "Please. Don't be mad. I looked. At your book. Sorry. Okay if I...?"

"Well, if you already looked, I don't see why you're asking for my permission now. Go ahead."

Panther glanced from Ed to Lilith, and from Lilith to Ed, following this exchange with interest.

"Thanks," said Ed. He lifted the flap, took out The Hound of the Baskervilles, and leafed through it.

A knock on the door startled them.

"Pup, you there?" Daniel's voice came from the other side.

Lilith, Ed, and Panther froze.

There were a few more knocks, the hushed voices of Lilith's parents, and then the doorknob rattled a couple of times. At last, their voices and footsteps trailed off into the corridor.

"They'll be back, I'm sure of it," said Lilith, letting out her breath. "Wait, guys. Before you do anything, there's something important I need to test." She disappeared into the bathroom.

Ed and Panther exchanged a glance and a shrug.

Lilith came out with a glass of water, marched to the door, and upended it onto the knob. Nothing happened. She stood, waiting.

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