My mate (boyxboy)

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Holy snap #631 in the werewolf catagorie?! this is awesome and I owe it all to you guys please keep reading and supporting this story like you have been doing all along <3

Chapter 4

     * Xander POV*

             The next morning i awoke feeling twice as horrible as I did the night before but just like always I got up and headed to the bathroom to do my morning routine. When i looked in the mirror I looked like I had been hit by a truck "Ugh there's no way ill be able to cover this up!" i groaned as I got in the shower.

          As the hot water pored down my body I let my thoughts wonder and I just cant wrap my head around the fact that the school's alpha is such a perv! trying to make me kiss him! he has got a few loose bolts that one the smell of green apples filled my nose 'yum' i thought but seriously why would Blade want to kiss ME of all people I mean he could get anyone he wanted so why me? I just don't understand, I'm disgusting I'm tainted and he's powerful and strong theres no way he would want me in his pack. He was just lieing to me.

          After I finished getting dressed I carefuly made my way down stairs praying that my dad wouldnt be awake and it seemed to be my luckey day dad was passed out on the couch Yay! i did a little happy dance in my head as I quietly went to the door.After my stealthy escape i let out a breath of relife and headed to the hell hole I call school.

*Blade's POV(wohoo!)*

          Pissed.Off. was an understatement of how i was feeling today I had gotten no sleep last night     'all because of that stupid mate of mine' I bitterly thought to myself god I still cant believe that I let my wolf take over me like that. It made me sick. Hell I don't even want a mate! They are such an unconvinced and I would just rather have the freedom to nail anyone i want without having to worry about how my "soulmate" would feel. Like hell I would care if I hurt the little ones feelings I mean COME ONE I'm BLADE fucking ROSE everyone knows I do what I want and when I want. And no "mate" of mine is gonna change the fact that I only need myself and no one else.

              With my new found resolve I went to class and prepared my speech to tell Xander about how I was just messing with his mind when I told him that he could join my pack in fact I would rather loose a few fingers then let him join. Yeah that sounds believable.

         *Lunch Time*

(Still Blade's POV)

                  For the first time in my life I burst threw the cafeteria doors (cafeteria are scary >.<) And looked around for Xander and I soon found him sitting at a table by himself he wasn't hard to miss with his light blond hair and his soft looking fair skin my mouth was watering from just looking at him "Get ahold of yourself Blade" I hissed at myself under my breath as I headed in his direction. When I reached his table I slammed my fist against the table as I growled out "we need to talk" and started walking out the back door of the cafeteria knowing he would follow me he had to he was in my territory and being my mate changed nothing of that fact. And just as I thought I heard him following behind me this made a satisfied smirk slide onto my face. Hehe so he's obedient.

 *Xander's POV*

          I followed Blade reluctantly to be honest I didn't want to move from that table unless it was necessary because my ribs were sering with pain and i just wanted to lay down and die but Blade was in charge around here and I wasn't in the position to fight back against him so I just followed until he decided to stop and turn around to talk to me "Look here kid yesterday what I said I was just fucking with you" he said in a really nasty tone "Ya know about the kiss? I was just hoping you would be slutty enough and I would be able to nail you" he told me snarling at me.

*Blade's POV*

     Every word out of my mouth sent a stabbing sensation threw my body but I ignored it as I snarled "Ya know about the kiss? I was just hoping you would be slutty enough and I would be able to nail you" It was a complete lie but it doesn't matter "I know" that threw me off for a minute "You do?" I asked "of course I do you just wanted to see hoe easy the local freak/murderer was. right? I mean it would just be ridiculous for someone like you to actually be interested in a loser like me" He said this with a light smile but I could see the sadness clearly in his eyes and I could feel my throat closing up but I still managed to choke out "uh y-yeah" and just before he turned to leave a tear slipped out of his eye and as he was walking away all I could do was watch him leave, And I knew I was the one that made him cry. It was all my fault. I always hurt the people I love. Always.     


Alright sooooo this is the longest chapter ive put up so iff you want longer you gotta tell me :D 

My mate (boyxboy) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now