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I'm trying to write something.

Something that you haven't read or heard before.

For the first time I feel I don't have anything much to say.

Something that could help make you feel better.

Or maybe give you hope.

You are about to enter a new phase of your life.

A life away from everyone.

On your own with only you by your side.

I wish you a happy journey.

I still haven't got any fancy words that might surprise you or force you to think what a great writer I am.

The truth is I'm not.

Not right now because there is nothing I can say.

Because you don't need it.

You are capable of moving forward without the need of people pushing you from behind.

Now that's one rare quality.

Overpowering the fears and obstacles on your own without any doubts is what makes you so damn special.

I wish I could be like you.

Less with the thinking and more about just going for it.

Maybe I'll be like you one day.

Maybe not.

Let's talk about something else because this is not about me, it's about you.

I wish you the best.

I wish you a life of happiness and satisfaction.

And, one day when you return, maybe I'll have something fancy to say.

Happy new journey.

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