11. Denial

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chapter eleven || denial
Taylah's POV

"No," I whispered, gripping onto his thick forearms. 

He's lying! He's wrong, I-I'm no Hybrid. I shift into a wolf, for Moongoddess' sake! My mum would have told... wait, no. Would she have told me?

"Taylah, look at me," he commanded softly, gently pushing me up against his office wall to gain my attention.

Immediately my eyes snapped up to meet his gaze and sense of calmness washed over me at his stormy eyes.

"I'm not lying to you. All the signs add up," he spoke quietly.

"No," I cried out. "It doesn't make sense! I'm normal! I swear! Believe me, Adrianno. Please! I'm normal."

He put more pressure upon my body, digging his hip bones into me and successfully pressing me up further against the wall. He leaned down and pressed his warm forehead against mine and I relished in the comfort my mate was providing me with.

"I know you're normal, baby. I never said you weren't. Just different."

Pet name flying over my head, I closed my eyes and focused on his addicting aroma. I slowly breathed in his woodsy and minty scent, immediately calming. I open my eyes to meet his once again.

"I don't know what to do, how does this work, Adrianno? I can't to this," I spoke calmly, shaking my head frantically.

"Hey, we will do this together, okay? I am your Alpha, it is my duty," he assured me, gently tracing his warm fingers down my arm.

Of course, his duty as my Alpha. Not as my mate.

I slowly nodded my head and breathed in deeply.


♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

I nervously paced my room, wringing my hands together anxiously as I awaited my mom's arrival. Adrianno had gotten Beta Ryder to call my mum down here as soon as we had found out what I was.

A Hybrid.

It seemed surreal, impossible even. How did I not pick up on the signs? Did my mom know? Is that why were always on the run?

All these questions racing through my mind yet I couldn't answer one. And apparently neither could anyone else. I called out to my wolf in hopes of comfort.


'Hey, Tay,' she replied softly.

'I'm scared,' I whispered, my hands shaking ever so slightly.

'Don't be, I am here with you every step of the way and I always will be no matter what,' she spoke, determinedly.

A humourless laugh escaped me. 

'You're only saying that because you have to. You're going to be stuck with me either way, you're my wolf,' I spat.

Layla whimpered at my harsh tone and I immediately regretted my words towards her. 

'I'm sorry,' I apologised, looking down at my feet as tears welled up in my eyes and blurred my vision.

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