6. Reminisce

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chapter six || reminisce
Taylah's POV

I was skipping through through the woods, my little ponytails bouncing with every step. It was peaceful and calm, very quiet and relaxing. Until a huge, grey wolf attacked me from behind. My little body hit the ground and I placed my tiny hands in front of me to break my fall. My hands were now grazed and bleeding. Tears welled up in my big, green eyes but I pushed the pain away and faced the large wolf.

I could tell the wolf a was male due to its strength and large build. He had two different colored eyes, one red and one brown, with a large scar running down his neck, to the bottom of his paw.

I wiggled my way out of his grip and darted towards my cabin, running as fast as my little legs could take me. It wasn't long until I got attacked again and my small body was thrown across the grass. The wolf stalked towards me slowly, a loud growl emitting from his chest.

"P-please don't hurt me," I sobbed, crawling away from him.

The wolf snarled and without a second thought, he pounced.

I shot up in my bed, with tears streaming down my rosy cheeks and heart hammering against my chest. I touched my face and I felt hot all over. A thin layer of sweat coated my body, causing the sheet to stick to me. My hair was matted down to my face and a little drop of sweat was dripping down my forehead.

I coughed in discomfort and noticed my throat was really dry and scratchy.

I felt like crap.

Running a hand through my messy hair, I thought back to the dream, or more like nightmare. It felt so real and lifelike but I couldn't remember that actually happening to me. It felt too real to be just a dream. It honestly felt like I was there and reliving a memory, a very horrible one at that. I couldn't be older than nine and even if I tried, it gave me too much of a headache to try remember my life during those early years. I really wanted to know what happened just before I woke up but I guess that's not happening.

The wolf also seemed so familiar, yet I couldn't tell where I had seen him before.

Sighing, I threw the blanket off me and swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up. I walked out of my room, down the long hallway and down the spiral stairs.

Making my way to the kitchen, I checked the time on the large clock hanging up on the wall. 2.20am. Why I was awake so early is beyond me. I hate the mornings.

Taking a glass off the drying rack, I poured myself cold water from the fridge dispenser, trying to make as little noise as possible. I took a large sip, quenching my thirst and leaned back against the countertop.

My thoughts then immediately drifted to my mate. I wonder what he was doing right now, probably sleeping. I couldn't help but think, does he feel for me what I feel for him? Does he wan- no, need me like I need him? All these thoughts were giving me a headache.

I honestly never imagined myself with a mate, let alone a mate who rejected me because he didn't want me. Having been on the run for eleven years with only my mom by my side turned me into an independent girl and for me to have a mate didn't feel right. And here I was, moping around because my rejected me.

Placing the cup in the sink quietly, I trudged my way up the spiral stairs. Walking down the hallway, I paused outside of my room. I didn't want to go back to sleep, I was honestly too scared.

I turned around and continued my way down the hallway. I remember Eden telling me there was a library in here, but she never showed me where. I wandered down the hallway until I reached a large mahogany door. 'Pack Library.'

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