chapter 10

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Ally woke up to the feeling of someone pushing her but before she could even open her eyes she hit the ground with a loud thud ‘What the h-‘ she started but stopped when she saw Lauren next to her who quickly scrambled up to her feet and ran out of the bedroom in only her bra and panties. Ally wanted to ran after her when she heard the bathroom door slam shut, but the memories of last night came flooding back to her mind.. damn. She shook the thought out of her head and ran after her, she barged into the bathroom only to see Lauren bending over the toilet while puking her guts out. Ally walked towards the girl and held her hair back while stroking the girl’s bare back. Lauren turned over and leaned her back against the cabinet beneath the sink, all Ally could do was admire the girl’s body, sure she had seen Lauren while changing or in bikini but this was different. Ally was brought back to reality when she heard someone clear their throat she looked up to see a smirking Lauren, Ally turned bright red but tried her best to hide it. ‘Thanks’ Lauren said in a raspy voice which Ally wasn’t sure if it was because of the puking or the lack of use for the past hours, ‘No problem’ Ally mumbled before walking out of the bathroom while thinking back about the kiss. 

‘Ally what’s wrong?’ Normani heard Lauren yell as a teary eyed Ally walked into the bedroom, Normani slightly pushed Dinah to wake her up. Ally let herself fall onto the bed and she buried her head in the pillow ‘Allycat what’s wrong?’ Normani asked but she just shook her head and let out a cry, by now Dinah also woke up and looked questioningly at Normani who mouthed Ally and Lauren at her and Dinah nodded understanding. ‘Can someone please explain me what’s going on’ Lauren said as she walked into the bedroom, Dinah gestured her to be quiet as she stood up and led the older girl out of the room and down the stairs with Normani following closely behind. 

‘You seriously fucked up Lo’ Dinah said with a worried tone ‘just fucking tell me what I’ve done’ Lauren said clearly annoyed while rubbing her temples. ‘Well at first you got really drunk, we practically had to carry you home, you puked your guts out in the bathroom, and somewhere in between you kissed Ally and grinded on her until she ran away crying’ Normani explained, ‘no..’ Lauren mumbled, ‘shit I have to say sorry please stay here’ she practically begged before disappearing upstairs. 

The drinking explains the headache ugh, Lauren barged into her bedroom to see that Ally was still on the bed with her head buried in one of her pillows. Lauren crawled onto the bed and sat down next to the girl, ‘Ally look I’m sorry’ Lauren apologised ‘I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was doing, I’m so sorry I will explain everything to Troy alright?’ Lauren explained, but Ally just groaned and shook her head. ‘Ally come on turn around,’ Lauren tried ‘I want to see that beautiful face of yours’ she said again trying to light up the mood. Ally’s stomach turned at the compliment knowing that it meant much more to her than to the taller girl, she turned around and glanced up at Lauren, the girl was still in her bra and panties ‘where are you clothes’ Ally mumbled while Lauren looked at her confused, ‘shit’ she murmured when she noticed she wasn’t wearing any clothes, she rolled of the bed and picked up a tank top and sweats which were located on the ground near her bed ‘I don’t think these are mine but alright’ she said while climbing back on the bed. 

‘I’m sorry about the kiss alright?’ Lauren apologised again when she relocated herself on the bed, ‘it’s.. not a problem’ Ally sighed, ‘Then why are you so upset?’ Lauren asked clearly confused. Ally got lost in her thoughts again after Lauren’s question, should she just tell her? But that would change everything right? She doesn’t want their friendship to change or even worse end. ‘Ally?’ she was pulled out of her thoughts by Lauren ‘I don’t know, I think it was the alcohol’ she said with a sweet fake smile before getting up, ‘No Ally sit.’ Lauren commanded while reaching out for the smaller girl’s arm, ‘W-why?’ Ally stuttered ‘Oh come on Ally there must be more than that I’m not stupid’ Lauren said while rolling her eyes. ‘I’M SORRY ALRIGHT’ Ally practically screamed which caught Lauren of guard ‘You know you can tell me everything, I won’t judge you’ Lauren said softly after recomposing herself. ‘I like you Lauren, I’ve liked you for so long.. screw that I love you, I don’t want freaking Troy’ Ally said after some time of silence while thick tears rolled freely down her cheeks ‘FOR GOD’S SAKE LAUREN’ Ally screamed again before breaking down in violent sobs, Lauren quickly wrapped her arms around the smaller girls. She didn’t expect this.. Ally loves her? Lauren didn’t know what to do she was completely speechless so she just hugged the girl in order to calm her down, this doesn’t have to change everything right? It’s just a crush.. 

‘This doesn’t change anything Allycat, alright?’ Lauren said while pulling away ‘You’re still one of my best friends, you’re still my little one ok?’ Lauren said in a soothing voice while using the pad of her thumb to wipe the smaller girl’s tears away. ‘But-‘ Ally started but Lauren lifted her hand signing her to stop talking, she knew that the girl wanted a answer, she wanted to know if she had feelings for her too, sure Lauren felt a weird feeling in her stomach whenever she hugged Ally but she wasn’t sure whether it was love or Ally just made her feel better now that Camila was in the hospital. ‘I can’t tell you yet ok? I need some time to figure everything out, there’s a lot going on at the moment.’ Lauren told her while sending her a small smile, ‘let’s go downstairs, I’m hungry’ she said while reaching her arm out to the smaller girl. I’m straight right? .. 

‘Well, look who’s finally dressed’ Normani laughed as Lauren and Ally descended the stairs ‘are those my sweatpants?’, Lauren just laughed sheepishly instead of answering before sitting down in one of the kitchen chairs. As always Ally started to cook them breakfast, ever since their first sleepover Ally has been the cook since none of them could cook except of Ally. 

When Ally put the big plate of pancakes on the table Dinah and Normani immediately digged in, Lauren on the other hand felt a wave of nausea came over her as soon as the smell of the pancakes reached her nose, she quickly got up and ran towards the bathroom. The three of them followed her not sure of what was going on but they got it as soon as they heard the sound of someone [Lauren] puking in the bathroom. ‘I told you she would have a huge hangover’ Dinah mumbled before walking downstairs again. 

When Lauren entered the kitchen again the plate of pancakes was empty and the girls were talking about god knows what. ‘You okay dawg?’ Dinah asked as soon as she spotted Lauren  and Lauren nodded in response before pouring herself a glass of water. As soon as she lifted the glass to her lips she heard Normani and Dinah burst out in laughter, with a confused expression on her face she turned around to see what was so funny but it became clear pretty quickly when she saw Ally face first on the floor with her shorts around her ankles. ‘How?’ Lauren managed to get out between laughs while the smaller girl pulled herself up using the kitchen counter and quickly pulled the shorts up, Dinah explained how the smaller girl was on her way to the stairs to change until her shorts fell down and she tripped, Normani burst out in laughter all over again while Ally turned bright red as she still held the shorts up. ‘Sorry Allycat’ Normani breathed out when she finally pulled herself together, Ally chuckled as she disappeared upstairs.

‘You know, I don’t remember changing’ Ally said with a frown when she walked back into the kitchen, ‘I did, you were a sleeping mess’ Dinah said with a chuckle ‘Oh.. Thank you D’ Ally said as she thought back about yesterday’s events. ‘I need to go though’ Ally said while approaching the girls, she hugged Dinah and Normani but as soon as she reached Lauren she had no idea what to do, so she just awkwardly smiled at the girl mental face palm. 

As soon as Ally left Dinah and Normani turned to Lauren, ‘what was that about?’ they both asked confused and Lauren looked at them uncertain if she should tell them or not. ‘I kissed Ally..’ Lauren mumbled and the girls laughed ‘we know that’ they said in unison, ‘Ally likes me..’ Lauren continued ‘she loves me’ and that took the girls of guard ‘What?!’ they yelled. ‘I don’t know alright!’ Lauren said clearly frustrated ‘She just told me she loves me and that she didn’t want Troy’. Normani and Dinah shared a look before speaking again ‘So Ally’s gay?’ they asked and Lauren groaned ‘she didn’t tell me, she just told me that she loves me’ she explained again ‘I told her it didn’t change anything and that she was still my best friend’ Lauren said. ‘So do you have feelings for her too?’ Dinah asked with a slight smirk on her face, ‘NO! I mean.. I don’t know’ Lauren said uncertain, ‘Maybe it’s just a crush, maybe she’s just confused’ Lauren tried but Normani and Dinah had a unsure expression on their faces and decided to leave it like that. 

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