Chapter 6

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Today was Ally’s date with Lauren, well actually it wasn’t a date but that’s how Ally thought of it. She wanted to take Lauren to the batting cages but since they’re both injured that wasn’t such a good idea, so Ally decided to take her out for a fancy dinner.

It was 8am when Ally woke up, when her alarm clock went off she immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed her phone, she dialled the number of Bianca At Delano, which was a fancy restaurant in Miami Beach. She reserved a table for too under the name Hernandez and threw her phone back on her bed, even though their “date” wasn’t until 7pm Ally was already stressing out about what to wear. She laid out seven outfits on her bed and stepped into the shower, while showering she thought about which dress would be best and what Lauren would wear. Fuck..

She totally forgot to tell Lauren to dress up fancy. She quickly washed the shampoo out of her hair and turned the shower off, she stepped out of the shower almost slipping on the wet tile floor, she wrapped a towel around her hair and body before removing the plastic bag around her cast. She rushed back into her bedroom and practically threw herself on the bed next to her phone, and texted Lauren.

Ally: I totally forgot to tell you to wear something fancy, sorry!

Lauren: No prob! Just woke up

Ally: Ok boo! I will pick you up at seven (:

Lauren: Better hurry it’s already 8:30 lol jk, see ya! :*

Ally laughed at Lauren’s sarcasm and threw her phone to the side. She walked back into the bathroom and unwrapped the towel which was around her hair, she used it to dry it some more before throwing it to the side and grabbing her hairdryer. Once she was finished drying her hair she put on some sweatpants and a sweater since she still had to walk Loki, ‘Allyson can you get me some groceries on your way back’ she heard her mother ask from the kitchen ‘Sure what do you need?’ she asked her mother who was already busy scribbling everything down on a small piece of paper, she handed Ally the piece of paper and a ten dollar bill before planting a kiss on her daughter’s forehead ‘Thank you!’.

Ally took Loki to the park and played some fetch with him, when he was tired Ally put him back on the leash and made her way towards the grocery store. She tied Loki’s leash to the pole outside of the story and quickly walked inside and gathered everything her mother needed. Eggs, butter, strawberries, orange juice and bread. There was a long line at the cashier and she sighed receiving a nasty look from the woman in front of her, geez.. The line took forever and when it was finally the woman’s turn she seemed to move extra slow just to annoy Ally, Ally shot the woman and annoyed look to which the woman just smiled. How can adults complain about us teenagers when they are even more childish themselves..

When she was finally done the store she walked outside and quickly untied Loki’s leash, she wanted to get home as quick as possible so she had all day to pick out a dress and shoes. When she walked through the front door she immediately unleashed Loki and practically threw the groceries onto the kitchen counter only to receive a weird look from her mother, ‘why are you in such a hurry?’ she questioned her daughter, ‘I’ve going on a date- hang out with Lauren remember?’ Ally quickly corrected herself not wanting her mother to know about her feelings for Lauren. Patricia looked at her strangely at first but her expression soon turned into a smile ‘alright I won’t bother you anymore, go get ready’ she told her daughter while softly chuckling to herself. She does so much effort to cheer the girl up, oh if only you knew Patricia..

It was 6:30 and after all this time Ally’s still didn’t pick out a dress, she was hesitating between a black turtle neck dress that stopped just mid thigh or a red lace dress. The black dress hugged all her curves perfectly but the red one was just a little bit more fancy. She eventually chose the red one with help from her mother. She added black thighs, a curb necklace and a pair of black stiletto boots.

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