Part 6

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 "You're kidding," Izuku deadpanned.

"Nope," Tomura smirked, "Today is your day! I'll do whatever you want today."

Izuku smiled at the man, grabbing his hand. He was glad that Tomura was making an effort to apologize. It was truly respectable on his part considering how far he had come. Izuku was starting to believe he was changing for the better.

"First, I want you to take me out for breakfast! Buffet, Buffet BUFFET!" Izuku cheered.

"Alright, alright! I'll take you to a breakfast buffet." Tomura sighed. He really hated going out in public for the most part, but Izuku really wanted to go to a breakfast buffet so, that's what they would do.

"Yay!" Izuku giggled, "I hope you know that's not all. We're gonna bring the whole squad. Himiko, Dabi, Twice, Magne, Spinner, Muscular, Mustard, Moonfish, Mr. Compress and Kurogiri! We're all going out for breakfast!"

Tomura groaned in annoyance. He really hated socializing, and bringing most of their comrades would be a hassle. A hassle that would not end well. He could just see all the different ways it could've gone wrong. It was for Izuku, he was gonna make up for his shitty attitude towards the boy.

Izuku was dragging Tomura out of the apartment in a hurry. The boy was very excited to go out. The probability of them ever participating in an outing like this again was very slim. SO obviously the boy had to take whatever chance he had. They only really ever hung out at the bar, so it was like a second home to them. The even stranger thing was Tomura actually agreeing to go anywhere outside of their apartment and bar. It was gonna be great.

Izuku pulled out his phone, and immediately called Toga while Tomura locked the apartment door. "Hey Himiko!"

'Why ya calling so early Zuku?'

"Welll~ Murachan is taking me out, and I want everyone to go with us!"

'It's a Buffet right?'

"Of course! Who do you think I am?"

'An unstable, self-destructive teenager with an addiction to smack, in addition to your stockholm syn-'


'You asked Zuku, I just answered,'


'Well I'm gonna bring the largest most hugest most extravagant purse! I'll have plastic bags too, so you can put food into the purse.'

"Hell ya! More food! Make sure to invite everyone though."

'Whooop! Group outing! Count this bitch in, and everyone else I'm forcing to go. We'll be there in a few. Me, Dabi and Kurogiri gotta go pick up the rest of the squad! See ya Zuku!'

"Bye-bye!" Izuku was practically bouncing off the walls as he ended the call. He was just so excited. He run in front of Tomura, and grabbed both of his hands. Izuku swung Tomura's arms, and tried to get him to do a spin.

"Izu, what are you doing?" Tomura asked looking at the boy.

Izuku laughed, "Murachan, I'm trying to dance. You're supposed to spin me when your arm goes up." Then the thought hit him. "Wait, has anyone ever danced with you before?"

Tomura blushed and looked to the side, "Dancing isn't important when you're a criminal."

Izuku gasped, "You poor soul! You can have no rhythm and still enjoy dancing. It doesn't have to look good, the point is to have fun! I'm no professional or anything, but free form dancing is still fun."

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