Chapter 2

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"Maybe you should try a different approach," Kurogiri suggested, "You're obviously not taking Izuku's feelings into consideration. I'm not saying you don't care, but it's quite obvious you only think about yourself."

Tomura looked up. He couldn't believe Kurogiri said that to him. Was he really as selfish as to put Izuku second, and himself first? Ya, he was that self centered. There was no point in denying it to himself. Was this because of his nasty attitude? Izuku lied peacefully in a boothe, he was passed out from indulging in too much booze. He really was the cause of it, that was a real smack in the face. "So, you think our relationship will improve, if I think about him first?" Tomura asked.

"No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying Izuku won't betray us, he's obviously in love with you. I don't know why, but that's not the point. Think of Izuku as your equal, he's the successor of One for All. He's valuable for the League of Villains, don't screw yourself over by treating him like shit."

Tomura groaned in annoyance. He knew he should treat his comrades better, but change was just too much work. Izuku wouldn't leave him anyway, but Kurogiri was usually always right. The villain was basically using every chance he could to mess with All Might's head. If that meant using Izuku, so be it.

It's not like Tomura doesn't care about Izuku, because he does. He cares about the boy more than most of the people he works with. Even if the kid was useless, he wouldn't ever abandon him. It was abundantly clear, to everyone but Tomura, that in the older man's eyes every person was a threat. Even some of the members of the League of Villains were untrustworthy, with good reason. It was just extremely convenient for the villains to have One for All on their side.

"Take Izuku upstairs," Kurogiri said, "and tend to his wounds, you caused them after all." Tomura grimaced at those words, picking Izuku up bridal style he left Kurogiri alone at the bar.


"Okay class," Aizawa started, "We were supposed to take a test on Hero Logistics today, but due to everyone's protests we will be brainstorming ideas to 'save' Midoriya," Obviously Their teacher was not very fond of the idea. Midoriya was a good student and he asked the villains to spare Aizawa, but he felt like Midoriya was choosing to stay with the villains. There was no point to look for him if he didn't want to be found.

There hadn't been any mention of Izuku after the invasion of the USJ. The principal simply told the class to say he had been transferred to another school. It didn't sit well with the class especially Bakugou. Nevertheless the class was ecstatic that they were allowed to search for Izuku.

The class split off into groups, and each group was determined to find a way to help find Izuku. They went over past whereabouts, where he could be hiding, what could be happening to him. The groups brainstormed it all, and presented it front of the whole class.

"Deku was really lame, so he never left home very often. I do know that when he did leave it was either to visit the bookstore, or to hang out with half and half, round face, or shitty glasses," Bakugou said, "Or at least he claimed he was at the bookstore. I was walking downtown recently, and I saw him leave a bar with that bitch ass Shigaraki."

There were a couple of snickers at Bakugou's attitude, but other than that his information was very valuable. "Do you remember where the bar is? It could be a hideaway for the League of Villains!" Momo exclaimed.

"Ya actually, I do," Bakugo stated.

The class sighed in relief, and Bakugou went to sit down. They agreed that Bakugou and a couple of other classmates would check it out, with Eraserhead as backup. "Well guys, I know it isn't my place to say it, but Izuku might not want to be found," Jirou commented.

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