{21} Home (Thank the Lord)

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"Blake, I will throttle you!"

"Amore, you're about as scary as a kitten."

"Oh, you haven't seen scary until I'm really pissed of!"

"Still not scary."

"You won't be saying that when I rip your dick off and staple it to your ass!"

Here we are, arguing about whether to go right or left.

"You're only saying left because you're left handed." Blake points out.

"You're only saying right because it's opposite to what I'm saying!" I accuse.

"Very true." He nods.



I glower at his blank stare.

"Fine, if we can't agree if whether to go left or right, we'll go straight." I say, leaving no room for discussion.

"But there's no path straight ahead." Blake looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I know."


"Oh my life! Thank Jesus!" I exclaim as Blake and I emerge from the woods and to Chick-Fil-A, covered in dirt, leaves and twigs in our hair and scratches and brushes littering our bodies.

As soon as we walk in, we see Ryder and Tyler sitting at a table eating a chicken sandwich with waffle fries.

"Oh, hey guys!" Tyler greets, shovelling fries in his mouth.

"Wha--HOW?!" I gape at them.

Blake lifts his hand to my face and pushes my mouth closed.

"What she means is, how the actual fuck are you guys sitting her without a speck of dirt and we look like we've been tossed in a blender?!" Blake exclaims.

"Our path led straight to here." Ryder shrugs, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Fry?" Tyler offers, holding the packet of waffles fries in front of us.

"That's all you have to say?" I question. "No, we're going home."

"But--" Ryder and Tyler start protesting.

"NOW!" I raise my voice, making them scramble up.

"Yes, ma'am!"


"And that's a desert." Tyler points out the window like an idiot tour guide.

"Yes, thank you Obi-Wan-Ty-Booby." I roll my eyes.

"What the hell is an 'Obi-Wan-Ty-Booby?" Blake asks as he turns to look at me.

"Tyler's new nickname. Duh." I roll my eyes again.


"Mommy!" I yell as I run in through the front door of my house.

"Lea, which on of your brothers do I need to kill?" She questions knowingly after kissing my forehead.

"Hmm, well Ryder got us lost and Tyler met a fat hobo named Bosco." I tell her. "So...both."

"Don't even think about taking your asses up those stairs." Mom says without turning around as Ryder and Tyler try to sneak upstairs.

They groan quietly as they come and stand on either side of me.

"Hi, princess." Dad comes out of the kitchen and kisses my forehead.

"Hi, daddy." I hug him.

Don't even think of it like that, you dirty minded freaks.

"Lea, you can head upstairs while I punish your brothers with No Blake." Mom crosses her arms.

Ryder, Tyler and Blake immediately start protesting, but one glare from mom shuts them up.

"Devil, why so cruel?" Dad questions. "Don't you ship it?"

"Oh, I ship it." Mom starts. "But these two idiots got your little princess lost, and gave a lift to a fat hobo named Bosco."

"You let a fat hobo named Bosco near my little princess and got her lost?!" Dad exclaims, glaring at my brothers.

"Oh, dad." I turn around from my spot at the bottom of the staircase. "We no longer own a red Holden Commodore. Bosco stole it."


"You two are dead." Blake whispers to my brothers.

"We know." They whisper back in unison, gulping in terror.

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