{10} Hot Boy with a Hot Name

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"Stupid Blake. Stupid Cake. Stupid Blake the Cake." I repeat on the group call with Rose and Harmony.

"Okay, okay, we get it, Blake's stupid." I can practically hear Rose rolling her eyes.

"He may be stupid, but he's hot." Harmony admits. "Even you've got to admit it, Lee."

"Messy, light brown hair, perfect tan skin, Italian, eyes so dark that they're almost black. He is extremely hot." Rose sighs out. "Even his name is hot! I mean, Blake Valentino DeAngelo! Hot face, hot name. Hello, bye bye, he's a God and he makes young Leonardo DiCaprio look like a fool."

"Alright, he's a hot boy with a hot name. Now shut up!" I snap.

"Lake." Harmony giggles. What? "I ship it."

"Me, too." Rose agrees, giggling.

"What the hell is Lake?" I question in confusion.

"Leata and Blake, Lake." Rose explains.

"It's your ship name." Harmony squeals.

"Wha--no! No Leata, no Blake, no Lake!" I exclaim, cursing them in my head.

"You can deny it all you want, but in my mind, the ship has already sailed." Rose replies.

"It's already halfway across the Lake." Harmony giggles out a lame pun.

"No Leata! No Blake! No Lake!" I shout before hanging up.


I yawn as I crack my eyes open.

What the?

I grab my phone and check the time.


Did I seriously just take a three and a half hour nap?

When did I even fall asleep?!

I'm guessing three and a half hours ago.

Shut up.

I run a hand through my chocolate brown hair before walking out of my bedroom and downstairs.

When I reach the living room, I find Blake, Ryder and Tyler watching Hawaii Five-O on the T.V.

They're too engrossed in the show to notice that I've just walked into the kitchen.

I grab a packet of Oreos from the cupboard before sitting down at the island and staring out the kitchen window while munching on the delicious cookies.

I wonder what mom's making for dinner tonight.

"What're you daydreaming about, Amore?" Blake's deep voice questions from behind me.

"About how I'm going to jam my foot down your windpipe." I retort, still munching on Oreos.

"Lovely." He replies bluntly, getting a bottle of water out of the fridge. "By the way, Angel and River went out."

"Aww, man!" I pout. "That's means mamá isn't making me any food tonight."

Blake groans. "Stop pouting, Amore."

I blink at him before smirking.

"Why, Hotness?" I ask as I walk over to him.

"Just stop." He orders, looking down at me as I pout even more.

"Is it getting to you?" I push myself against him, leaning up to his face.

"Stop it, Amore." He groans as he closes his eyes.

"Blake?" I whisper, putting my mouth next to his ear.

"Hmm?" He groans as my breath hits his ear.

"You might want to go take a cold shower."


Guys, I really need you to give me ideas on how Leata and Blake should get together. Please comment.

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