{9} Stupid Ass Arguments

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"Good morning, family." I yawn as I walk downstairs on a wonderful Saturday morning. "And Blake."

"Morning? Princess, it's one in the afternoon." Dad tells me, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"One in the afternoon?!" I exclaim. "I woke up way too early!"

Dad looks at me with an eyebrow raised before his gaze goes to mom. "That's your daughter."


Everyone looks at Tyler who is hopping around on one foot and holding the other.

"And that's your son." Mom says as she turns back to dad.

"Holy mother of Satan's dick!"

All of our gazes turn to Ryder, who is rubbing his forehead whilst glaring at the wall.

"And that's your son." Dad looks back at mom.

"Well, duh." Mom rolls her eyes. "He was originally going to be named Sir Cumberbatch the Fourth. Of course he's my son."

"You were going to name me Sir Cumberbatch the Fourth?!" Ryder questions loudly. "You are horrible people."

"Where did you even come up with the name Sir Cumberbatch the Fourth?" Tyler questions.

Mom and dad share a look.

"Let's save that story for a rainy day, shall we?" Mom suggests as dad chuckles and kisses her temple before walking into the kitchen.

Mom then looks between Blake, Ryder, Tyler and I. "Your father and I are going to the grocery store. Behave. If this house is burned down by the time we get back, I'll have your stupid asses on sticks."

"Pfft, we're always behaved." Tyler lies, making mom raise an eyebrow at him.

"And I'm Madonna." Mom shoots sarcastically. "Behave." She warns again before looking at Blake and I. "Especially you two. No arguments that can lead to the house being burned down or potentially exploding."

"Don't worry, Angel." Blake starts. "Amore and I won't argue."


"Shut up, Blake."

"Fuck off, Leata."

"Suck a dick."

"You are the most annoying bi-"

"Blake Valentino DeAngelo, don't you dare call our baby sister a bitch!" Tyler cuts him off, Ryder nodding in agreement.

"One minute! You're only one minute older than me!" I shout.

"I'm two minutes older than you." Ryder sticks his tongue out at me.

"Put your tongue back in your mouth before I 'accidentally ' rip it out." I threaten, putting quotation marks around the word 'accidentally'.

He gulps and stops poking the tongue.

I look back at Blake, who is glaring at me before I roll my eyes and walk upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Tyler calls after me.

"Away from Blake." I call back as I slam my bedroom door shut.


I roll my eyes as I slump down on the couch, turning on the T.V and flicking through the channels until I find a re-run of the Golden State Warriors VS Cleveland Cavaliers game, which GSW won.

My team, people. My team.

"What is it with you and Lee arguing all the time?" Ryder asks me as he and Tyler sit down on either side of me.

"I don't know." I shrug absentmindedly, my eyes focused on the game.

"Do you hate her?" Tyler asks after a few seconds.

I shrug before answering unconsciously. "I guess."

All of a sudden, the T.V turns of as River shoots a three-pointer.

Yes, River, as in River Hale. He, Jayden, Raziel, Hunter and Josh are all starters for GSW.

"Dude!" I groan as Tyler and Ryder both sit on the coffee table in front of me.

"Blake, you're our best friend and we love you." Tyler starts.

"We also know you better than you know yourself and we know that you don't hate Lee, you just don't want to let her in." Ryder explains.

"Ryder, Tyler, I-"

"And that's okay." Ryder cuts me off.

"We know you don't want to let anyone else in your life after what happened, but now that you've met Leata, there's no getting rid of her." Tyler tells me.

"I love you guys, too." I sigh. "And your sister, well, I don't hate her. At all. She's actually beautiful."

"You better not be falling for our baby sister." Ryder warns with Tyler nodding in agreement.

Those idiots are way too overprotective for their own good, but I guess it's a good thing when it comes to Leata.

"I'm not. I mean, we have all these stupid ass arguments all the time but I don't hate her, either." I run my hand through my messy, light brown hair. "I just...feel like I have to protect her. And that'll be easier if I don't let her in and she doesn't know about my past."


"She's too precious for this world."

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