Wrong 11

401 22 18


I hear the preacher say,
"Speak now or forever hold your peace"
There's a silence, there's my last chance,


Taehyung enters their classroom, panting for air. He's been running through the hallways being afraid of getting late from his first class.

He saw his friends sitting on their sits already as they eyed him as if they're judging his whole existence.

He sat beside Irene, wiping the sweat on his forehead. "I thought I'll be late!" He exclaimed

"Luckily you're not," Jimin said "the almighty principal is doing his rounds on the hallway now and if you get caught, you're dead."

"I know, idiot." Taehyung mumbles but Jimin didn't hear him because he's now busy talking to his girlfriend Seulgi.

He looked at Taeyong, Ten and Jungkook, they're all busy with their phones still waiting for their teacher to come in. He suddenly remember the person beside him, she's not even saying a single word since he came.

Irene has her head leaning on her desk, like she's sleeping but Taehyung knows she's not.

"Hey," he said as he gently tapped Irene's shoulder "are you alright?"

Irene sat up and saw Taehyung looking at her "Taehyung? You're already here?" She asked, slightly surprise "I didn't see you."

"Well yeah, I'm here." Taehyung chuckled "are you alright? Is it about your oppa again?"

"He wants to talk to you.."

"To me?" Taehyung pointed himself "why?"

"Because of Yoona-unnie, of course.."


"Is it okay with you?"

"Of course, when will he talk to me?"

"After class, I guess.." Irene mumbles as she looked outside "He waited for you earlier but you're late so he just went to his work."

"I'm sorry for that," Taehyung apologize "I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

"It's okay."

The classroom door swung open revealing a nervous looking Top. He immediately closed the door and locked it before he went to his table in the middle in front.

He let out a troubled breath "Guys, I'm fcking doomed!" He half yells, half whisper "Jonghyun is doing his rounds now and I'm not ready for the announcement I heard a while ago."

"What is it, Mr. Top?" Ten asked

"The physics week will start tomorrow until Friday and all the class should have at least one participant for the debate!!" He exclaimed "Whom will I send there?"

"You mean you have to choose who will join that?" Jimin asked

"Yes, guys, yes!"

"But Mr. Top, if ever you choose one of us, how will can we answer all the questions when you didn't teach us anything at all?" Seulgi asked, all of them agrees

"That's why I'm fucked up!" He exclaimed "I swear Siwon will laugh at my face if his class won!"

"What are you going to do, Mr. Top?"

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