Wrong 1

790 41 5


I am not the kind of girl,
Who should be rudely bargin' in on a
white veil occasion,



Yoona heard her dongsaeng calling her outside her room. She heard an opening door "Can I come in?" He asked peeking from the door with a mug in his hand

Yoona answered him with a nod letting her dongsaeng enter her cold room, that used to be warm before..

Her dongsaeng immediately went inside, closing the door with a silent click.

Yoona fixed her gaze on the glass door of her balcony, she can see images of her and him cuddling there, it feels so real yet surreal at the same time.

Taehyung, her dongsaeng sat beside her on the bed. "Here, noona," Taehyung started giving Yoona the mug he's holding "you're not eating since this morning and I'm really worried so at least drink that." Taehyung pouted

Yoona gets the mug from Taehyung and place it on her lap, cupping it with her both hand. It was her favorite mug.. the mug given by him.

Taehyung noticed that his noona is just staring at the mug making him sighs "Noona, drink that before it turns cold." He mumbles "I made that for you, you know.."

Yoona smiles bitterly as she looked at the chocolate drink in hand "You made this for me." She mumbles under her breath

She remembers how he made the same drink to her and they will drink it together on the balcony while his arms wrapped protectively around her waist.

Taehyung smiles "Yes! I did, I'm learning how to make edible foods these days, noona! You should be proud of your handsome dongsaeng!" He exclaimed trying to brighten up the mood of his noona

Yoona looked at him and smile, patting his head slowly "You did a good job, Taehyungie.." he mumbles fighting the tears not to flow again but she's doing a terrible job making Taehyung hurt "I'm.. I'm so proud of y-you.."

And the last word turned into a sob. Yoona starts crying again.. Taehyung immediately wiped the tears from Yoona's cheek "Noona, you know it hurts me when I'm seeing you like this." He pouted

Yoona continue crying, she hates herself for being this weak, she hates that she can't even stop her tears just like how she can't stop herself from loving him. "I'm.. I'm sorry, Taehyung.."

Taehyung gets the mug from Yoona's hand and placed it on the bedside table. He hugs her noona like a koala. "Noona~ stop crying now," Taehyung pleaded "Do you want me to do aegyo or to dance Up and down [by EXID] in front of you?"

Yoona shook her head as an answer, she buried her face on her both palm when the tears continue to flow, nonstop.

"Then what?" Taehyung sighed in defeat "I will do anything just to make you smile again, noona!"

Will you take him back?

Take him back to me?

"Noona, I know it hurts but you have to accept it.." Taehyung started, caressing Yoona's back "he's getting married soon.."

And that's the reality she doesn't want to hear, the reality she wants to buried sixty nine feet on the ground.

How can she accept those? It's not like she just lost her puppy but she lost him.. she lost her life. They're talking about her life here.

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