Chapter 16

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"I do not have amnesia."

"Luke, you do honey. You can't remember anything from the real world. And we don't expect you to remember it. You were in a coma. We have to perform some tests on you and see how you really are doing. We can't have you lost too long in this world or you may completley forget."

"I remember the woman you guys want me to call 'mom' didn't teach me to walk and wanted me to get outstanding grades so SHE looked good. And the man you want me to call 'dad' i don't even remember anything he has done for me. Michael, Ashton, Calum, Davina, Lena, those people are my family. Now can you let me out of this fucking hospital so i can find them?"

"Mr. Hemmings please calm down and sit. PLEASE. You are in the real world now. We don't want to have to call security on you to keep you still."

"CALL SECURITY BECAUSE IM OUT." I stood up from the bed and ran out of the building, stealing the ladies car. I drove it to the outside of town and got out of the car when i was at the border of the outside of the town.

I ran.


The cold nights, the rain, i had to do something to keep me warm, right? I looked for a bush with berries and picked out all the good berries, throwing them into my bag and climbed up into the tree. I watched the stars slowly fade away and my eyes tried their best to stay open, but they couldn't.

I woke up to the bright sun and smell of trees. I started my journey again waiting to arrive. I know the way there, and once im there there is no turning back.


It was about a days run until i finally reached my hometown. I went to the first house ive ever lived in. It was still there. I started jumping like a little kid when i saw the graffiti and fence on the outside of it. I ran to the back and looked in the window before jumping in it. The burned crib and floors were still there and so were the paintings. The real thing my 'mother' has only done for me. I smiled hoping i would find the others. The paintings were there, the house was there, will they be somewhere here too?

There was one place where we would all meet, and that place was school. I enrolled myself in, saying that i was on independent living. I don't start school for another two days so i have to do something to wait.

Then i thought of it.

I walked by Lena's house to see if it was in the same condition as last time. It was. But something seemed like it had changed. There wasn't too much screaming, and that was different.

I will see her in two days. Your back Luke. Your back. You will find Lena and Michael and Ashton and Calum and they will accept you for you. Your back and they are here. You WILL find them.

I continued with the thought that i wil find them so i walked to see my old house, there it was. Just the way it was last left. I looked inside to see my 'mom' crying on the kitchen table, she sat there crying. Im confused? Why is she sat there crying? Have I been gone that long? Has something else happened?

I don't know if i should knock on the door or not. What if they all think im dead? Or straight up left them? I walked back to the abandoned first home and sat in my old room. I buried my head in my hands and tears came sobbing down. I heard someone coming.

I quickly wiped my eyes and walked into the closest room and kept an eye on the old bedroom.

 I saw their shoes first, the same old ratty sneakers i knew. Then she came in fully. Her hair was a mess and down, she wore a gross hoodie, and ratty jeans. It was Lena.

Before i said anything i had to make sure it was her.

She sat down in the corner and started to sob. "Luke why did you leave us? You were my best friend, and the boys' best friend. I miss you so much. I don't know what to do without you. Im so sorry that ive gone back to my old habbits.. Rest in Peace."

"LENA" I screamed as she looked up and screamed "LUKE" She ran up to me giving me a hug and started to cry into me, "I thought you were dead. We all did" I started to rub her back as she continued to sob into my shoulder. I whispered saying "Im sorry.. Maybe i should have stayed there."

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