Notes~ Chapter 31

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*WARNING* These chapters are very feelsy. The story hasn't even reached it's climax yo. So be careful. You might explode along with your ovaries.

Summer, Later that year.

I bound out of my house with my drawstring backpack with a towel, my swimsuit and sunblock in it.

I was heading down to Adam's end of year pool party, with all of our friends, and I was getting there an hour early to set up with him.

I get to his house and knock on the gate.

"Come on in!" He yells.

I open the gate and see all of the decorations set up.

"Hey! Am I late?" I say, noticing everything set up. I look over to Adam who's in a "Nirvana" t shirt and black swim trunks.

"No, I um just wanted you to get here  early..." he says, playing with his shirt.

"All you had to do was to tell me that." I laugh.

"Why aren't you in your swimsuit?" he says, blushing and changing the subject.

"In my bag. I'll go change." I say, heading towards the restroom. I go in and change into my blue two piece. As I walk outside I see Adam with his back facing me, taking his T-shirt off. I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as he turns around and smiles.

"Enjoying the view?" He laughs. I let out a small and awkward laugh before he comes over and grabs my waist, leaning down to kiss me, but instead walking over to the pool and dropping me in, as I struggled and fought. I let the air hit my face as I come to the surface, feeling the weight from my hair.

I grab his hand and pull him in, watching as he comes up and pushes his hair out of his face. As he sees me, he smiles a crooked smile and goes underwater. I suddenly feel him pick me up underwater and throw me. I flail a bit in the air and land feet first.

I come up and laugh as he grabs me by my waist behind me. I tilt my head back and kiss him, and I can't help but smile.

"Awwwwwhhh!" I hear Hayden from the side of the pool. Hayden had been my friend since 8th grade, ever since Adam added me into a Skype call with him. He had always been a little...well...flamboyant. He denied being Gay in 8th and 9th grade, which we both knew was bull, and I think he knew it, too. Finally, in 10th grade with a sigh and covered eyes and head, he admitted it.

So ever since, I had a gay best friend. And he was the best friend I have ever had.

What? Every girl needs a gay best friend!

"Get lost!" I laugh as Adam sinks down into the swimming pool with wide eyes and a straight face.

"You're Nice." Hayden says, sitting down next to the pool and putting his feet in.

Hayden brought along about ten people not long after him. When the party was in full motion, Adam started playing Music. The first song was Latch by disclosure.

When the Bass drop was about to hit, several people- including Adam and I- had the same idea.

When it did come, we all jumped in the pool, splashing everyone with in 5 feet of the pool.

There were some fits of laughter and 'aww's of disappointment, but not really because they were laughing too.

Adam was laughing his ass off because he had splashed Hayden and soaked him.  Hayden stood there with his mouth open with a look of disgust and eyes closed, as the chorus played off.

As Adam was laughing, I dove under water and swam towards him, jumping on his back and wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"Hay Frayund." I say, attempting to say 'Hey Friend' but in a weird accent, like Adam does.

He grabs my legs near his waist area and steps out of the pool, piggy backing me around the pool as Latch ended and Love Me Again by John Newman started playing. I sang along to the chorus, only to have Adam look back at me in amazement, like he always does when I sing. Like I was any better than him.

We swam more, Adam made burgers and before we knew it, it was 11:00, and everyone had left. Except for Adam and I.

I picked up my bag and went over to kiss Adam goodbye, but he just picked me up and looked at me with raised eye brows.

"Where are you going?" He remarked.

"Home." I laughed. "It's almost 11:30."

"Nope. You're staying with me. This is the last time I'll see you before you go to college." He added.

"This isn't the last time." I giggled. "Drama queen."

He set me down on a towel on the grass, and lied down next to me.

"But what if it is? What if you're too busy at church camp, or working at the Shelter-" My part time job. Animal shelter. "-or if you are too busy with everything going o-"

I noticed he was rambling so I leaned over and kissed him. It was a regular 'You can shut up now' gesture for us. When we were done, Adam put his arms behind his head and I lied my head down on his chest.

"Adam, I will always make time for you." I reply, looking up at him.

Adam reached over to his phone and started tapping away on it, only to do one last tap and start playing lovers' carvings by Bibio through the speakers quietly.

I let my eyes close and open my ears to hear Adams' soft heart beat and the music that he knew I loved play through the speakers, carrying me off to sleep.

AYYYYYYEEEEE I UPDATED! Sorry final exams and lazy and Troye Sivan and stuff

So yeah.

I'll update Stay With Me soon.

I think.

Ok, Promise, with in a week.

Ok, 5 days.

K bai

Notes~ A SkyDoesMinecraft FanficWhere stories live. Discover now